Wednesday, July 11, 2012

B-I-T-C-H Slap

Friend: lol This conversation has made it clear to me why we DON'T talk about rappers
Me: It's like we're both so caught off guard about the conversation topic that we go all deer in the headlights
Friend: LOL
Friend: lol You bitch, you didn't make sense on purpose!
Me: Oh no you did not call me a bitch
Friend: B
Friend: I
Friend: T
Friend: C
Friend: H
Me: I will take yo wig
Friend: Come git it BITCH
Me: *crowd parts and a round of 'ooooohhhh's come up*
Friend: LOL
Friend: And nobody wonders where the crowd came from
Me: lol They just follow us
Friend: lol It the hot new thang: Porta-Posse!
Friend: "Cuz when you gots to go, you gots to go!"
Me: We'll market that and it'll be like one of those trick can of worms but it'll have sea monkeys inside
Me: Sea monkeys with gold Easter Bunny chains
Friend: LOL
Friend: It's a shame we don't get off our dainty asses
Me: Right? World domination!
Me: ...Soon as I get outta this chair
Friend: LOL yeah
Friend: Procrastinators of the world UNITE....tomorrow!
Me: lol Or...the third Thursday in August
Me: If we all remember
Me: Someone bring cookies and punch
Friend: Keep an eye out for the evite
Friend: You fuckers better confirm!