Saturday, July 7, 2012

Is My Clock A-Tickin'?

I'm up late (again) and I'm annoyed with myself. Not for being up late, but because I'm watching a show on the Spanish channel about a couple bringing home their first kid. And I can feel myself caving on this whole 'wanting more kids' thing. But I am prone to doing this. I'm a sucker for anything baby; animals, humans, anything baby. But seeing babies and baby animals doesn't make me want another baby or a baby animal of my own. The thing about this show is it's reminding me of all the fun stuff. Waiting (and, sometimes, waiting some more) for the baby to be born. Bringing the baby home for the first time, and the days and long nights that follow. I'm sure nothing compares to the feelings of bringing the first one home; the nerves of literally having someone else's little life in your hands, learning how to care for a newborn. You only do that once really. But I'm sure the excitement is there every time you bring home a kid. It has been for me with the nieces and nephews. The problem with my getting sucked into the baby rat race is that I tend to forget babies become teenagers eventually. I love babies, I even enjoy toddlers more than the average person (I cannot resist a toddler learning how to mouth off, which is why Miss N's mom had to take the reigns on disciplining her for her mouth). But teenagers? Yeah. I've raised one, another niece is just entering her teenage years and already it's breaking my heart, and in nine (sure to be) short years, Miss N will be a teenager herself. *shudder* I wish they could stay little forever. I love being up in the middle of the night with a baby (although I'm not crazy about the mofo lack of sleep involved). I love watching their little eyes light up as they learn new things. I love chasing them down when they slip past a baby gate or climb a cabinet. *sigh* So yeah, that's why I'm annoyed. Time to turn off the TV and try to get some sleep.