Thursday, July 26, 2012

Virgin Territory

I cannot sleep, therefore I will blog. My friends and I have become borderline obsessed with the show, "Virgin Diaries" on TLC. It started as a one-off special and is now a full blown series, complete with three new virgins every week. I have no idea why this show fascinates me so much. I don't really have a "thing" for virgins like some peeps do, I prefer my women experienced. I think it's more the stories of how they've remained in the shrink wrap for so long that have me hooked. So far they've introduced six virgins. A few have been religious (one Mormon guy, 36, and one Christian woman, 33), which is what most people assume is the reason when peeps say they're older virgins. But others have more interesting and downright odd stories. A 41-year-old woman said she was not a virgin by choice but because she "never got around" to having sex. As if it's something on a shopping list she just forgot to pick up while at the grocery store. How do you just not get around to it? Even worse, she felt the need to "come out" to her friends about being a virgin because she felt it would make her life easier if the big secret was out. She threw a party and got up in front of these people and said she was a virgin and...well, no one really cared. With the exception of one married lad who gushed to the camera about how, if he were single, he would feel honored to take her virginity (he said this as his wife was standing next to him). The whole thing was so ridiculous. Do people hold parties to announce they lost their virginity too these days? And who would care anyway? It's your virginity. It's not like people spend hours on end wondering to themselves whether you're a virgin or not. This show seems to catch the virgins when they're in heat (and who wouldn't be after 36 years) and occasionally interviews them once they've done the deed. One 29-year-old chick "prepped" for her potential deflowering by getting her lady parts waxed (by a man, coincidentally). She talked up her first time for half the show but didn't particularly care who it was with, as long as it happened. When they caught up with her she was no longer a virgin, thanks to a booty call from a guy friend that resulted in a quickie. She seemed unimpressed with this whole sex thing and had no idea if she'd do it again.
"Virgin Diaries" also followed another couple to the altar this season, albeit a slightly less creepy one than in their first special. The first couple looked like they could be related (which is always creepy anyway) and were both virgins in their 20's who were planning a wedding and, more importantly, a wedding night. They hadn't even kissed because they were saving it for their wedding day. The kiss...went viral and scarred many non-virgins for life. But the thing that struck me about the episode was how uncomfortable the groom seemed. The bride was super excited for the wedding but much more excited for the sex that would come (haha) after. The groom was not really very excited about anything. He looked like he was going to be sick whenever the subject of the wedding day or night were brought up. She was, "I can't wait to get married and have sex", whereas he was more, "Yeah...". I understand not being thrilled about the wedding, some grooms aren't, but to not be thrilled about getting it on after a 20-some year wait? Even a year later when they checked in on them he still didn't seem all that enthused. The contrast between him and the most recent groom on the show is day and night. This other dude was goofy and more than ready to end a 36 year drought of no nookie. His fiancee was not a virgin. He also decided it was a good idea to visit the and get his chest hair removed because he thought she would like that (apparently you gotta wax something before you lose it nowadays). He literally counted down the hours til he lost his virginity. The next morning the cameras visited the newlyweds and dude was on cloud nine about it all but his wife was not. He was bragging about how good it was and she was telling him to slow his roll cuz it wasn't all that. He also told the camera he cried afterward...yeah...not sure what that's about. But it produced the following text:

Me: Maybe it's cuz I'm a slut but I don't know how anyone waits that long.
Friend: It is because you are a slut.

I was rather young when I lost my virginity but I wouldn't change the circumstances or the person it was with. It wasn't perfect but first times rarely are. I was in love though and I'm sure that had an effect on it. And since I am, as a friend so eloquently agreed, a slut (or was at one time anyway) I just don't understand holding out.  I get it if it's a religious thing or if you're just not ready, but the thing that's always made me wonder is people who wait til marriage. Especially if both partners are virgins. What happens if there's no sexual compatibility there? You're already married so you're kinda screwed (in more ways than one) if there's no sexual chemistry. What's always drawn me to more experienced women is that they tend to know what they want and like and what they want to try out. I've never understood my genders fascination with virgins and I've certainly never thought it appealing to be someone else's first (aside from my own first time obviously). But, as they say, different strokes for different folks. I'm sure my fascination with this show will continue and I may be back to share more stories about virgins in their natural habitat. Stay tuned...