Monday, January 7, 2013

If You Got Troubles, I Got 'Em Too

You know how you start to have one conversation and it veers off into a whole other, completely unexpected direction? That happened to me twice today. And it was awesome (and all kindsa 80's/90's filled).

Me: Hey can you talk like now? I have a problem and I don't know what to do about it.
Friend: Yeah just a sec. How major? Did you finally commit a crime? Do we need to go on the lam?
Me: lol No. If that were the case it would only be me who'd have to go on the lam.
Friend: Do you remember that time we watched Toy Story and we heard Randy Newman sing that song and we said that if one of us has problems, we all got problems?
Me: Vaguely
Friend: Well then there you go. We'd all have to go on the lam.
Me: ...Because I'm sure that's what Randy Newman had in mind when he wrote that song
Friend: You don't know. He coulda.
Friend: So what's THE problem?
Me: I broke the glass trying to get this picture in the frame
Friend: Omg please tell me you're joking...
Me: I wish
Friend: [My full name] That was a brand new frame with brand new glass!! Are the picture and frame okay at least?
Me: I broke off a tiny piece of the back of the frame but you can't see it. Picture is perfect.
Friend: Well that's not so bad. We can replace the glass I think
Friend: I'm relieved that's all it was. I thought you were gonna tell me something else, like really bad.
Me: I also ate the last piece of pizza just now
Friend: I hate you.
Friend: lol In the half hour since I left you have managed to destroy the house AND eat all the food in it. Well done sir.
Me: LOL There's a plague in this house!
Friend: LOL Yeah well I always knew you were carrying something manwhore
Friend: Don't think I don't know about the burning sensation...
Me: The only burning sensation I have is the eternal flame of my love for you.
Friend: Oooooh...that was smooth. Especially considering the topic lol
Friend: Are you sure that's all it is?
Me: I wasn't at first. Then I says to myself, I says, "Is this burning an eternal flame?" and that confirmed it
Friend: LMAO! That. Was. Fantastic. 
Friend: Do you miss me?
Me: Like the deserts miss the rain
Friend: Well that would explain why I rode past your door and realized you don't live there anymore
Me: It's years since I've been there...
Friend: Now you've disappeared somewhere
Me: Like outer space?
Friend: You found some better place. 
Me: And I miss you
Friend: Yeah
Me: LOL Because that is a crucial part of the song
Friend: lol Yes it is! Now tell me you miss me like the deserts miss the rain again!
Friend: LOL Pretty much
Friend: What were we talking about again?
Me: I don't even remember. But this conversation took a fantastic turn just now.
Friend: lol It did. It really, really did.