Tuesday, January 8, 2013

So Show Me Family, All The Blood That I Will Bleed

Most (if not all) of the titles of my posts come from song lyrics. I think there is a song for every emotion on the planet and some line or another usually comes to mind when I'm drafting a post (obsessive about music? Yes I am. And I have no shame). However, this post is actually just about a song. It's one that was sent to me months ago by a friend and I liked it immediately and sought out the rest of the album it appears on. It turns out the band is based in my hometown, so that gave me extra incentive to like them. It's a very simple song but the lyrics are great. Unfortunately, it got lost in the shuffle (literally) on my iPod after I downloaded it. But thanks to being up way late the other night, I saw the video and rediscovered the song and it's been on repeat ever since. (This could be the first of a weekly music post. I haven't decided if I'll do that yet but it's an idea.)