Sunday, January 20, 2013

Must Be The Clouds In My Eyes

Tomorrow morning my brother will be having brain surgery. Now there's a sentence I hoped I'd never have to write. I've been pretty okay with this since we found out about it a few days ago but suddenly the nerves have begun to kick in. That's the rocky relationship my nerves and I have. I'll be cool as a cucumber until a few hours or even minutes before a big event and then the nerves make their appearance. But these are very different nerves. It's equal parts being nervous and terrified. I know he will likely be okay post-surgery and I'm worrying for nothing but there's always a chance something goes wrong. This is also a unique situation because, yet again, I've been where he is. And if he thought the coma was a bitch, he ain't seem nothing yet. Fortunately, the chances of memory loss or permanent effects like the ones I suffered are very minimal for him. If surgery goes well, and it's expected to, he should be released from the hospital a few days after. It could take months or up to a year for him to fully recover though. His main motivation for having the surgery now is to avoid more seizures and to hopefully be able to get back to work in a few months. I can't tell you how much I hope all of that is accomplished by this time tomorrow evening. Again, all good vibes are much appreciated. Fingers crossed everything goes without a hitch...

On a lighter note (cuz we gotta keep it light around here), Christmas decorations have finally come down at my mother's house. While putting the tree in a large, plastic storage bag my brother-in-law remarked that it was a pretty good sized bag and that you could fit a body, maybe even two bodies, in there. Crazy Aunt, god love her, responded by saying, "I know! It's a shame they only had one in stock," like age needs to have more on hand in case murder spontaneously happens. Then a friend chimes in and says they would think Crazy Aunt would be slicker than that in the event of a body dump, like she'd dissolve the person in a tub so that there's no evidence against her. Then my mom chimes in about how you'd have to buy the containers you were going to dissolve someone in years in advance so that they couldn't be connected to you as easily, if at all. Crazy Aunt completes the convo by saying you should use lye to dissolve bodies because it will get rid of ALL traces. Yes, these are the conversations we have during family time. These are the people I love.