Monday, April 20, 2015

I Think You're The Same As Me, We See Things They'll Never See

I became an uncle when I was 19 and it was quite the transformative experience for me. I instantly fell in love with this tiny little monster. We're talking total love at first sight. I was so enamored with her. I remember staring at her when she was a baby and just thinking how crazy it was that I was going to be there for her from day one until the day I died. This is the first person who's life I was a part of from the very beginning. I was the third person to ever hold her. And now, exactly 16 years later, I sit here with my mind all boggled at how these last 16 years just flew by. How does that tiny little being turn into a beautiful, witty, talented teenager? It's equal parts amazing and depressing. Amazing because she is just about the coolest person I know and she operates on a level of smartass that is well beyond her years (I'm so proud!). Depressing because in a few years she'll be a full-on grown up who is more than likely leaving the nest and going out into the world, and that terrifies me as much as it does her parents. My mom has always called her my mini me because she reminded her of what I was like as a kid, and she's held onto those traits even as she's gotten older. We spent the day together building houses and talking and watching hockey (I'm proud but I'm also jealous because she actually got to play hockey and literally kicked major ass). It was a pretty damn good day. And I'm happy. I'm happy to be here to watch her grow into this fantastic young woman. Kids, really is something to watch them grow up, and to have that moment where you realize they're adults. You spend so much time watching your mouth and trying to set a good example and then they get to be old enough to think for themselves and make decisions and crack dirty jokes and there's this, "Oh, okay" moment where it hits you that they're big kids now. And they deal with big kid problems and issues and thoughts and feelings. It's extraordinary to see someone develop over the course of a lifetime. I'm so blessed to be a part of several little lives in such a way. And I adore them all. Happy Birthday, Miss R.