Friday, April 3, 2015

I've Been Searching For The Daughter Of The Devil Himself, I've Been Searching For An Angel In White

Oh, Crazy Aunt. I cannot tell you how many times I've gotten a, "Mijo, there's this girl at my work" text where she rattles off all the great qualities of a co-worker and tries to set me up with them. She seems to think I'm being unrealistic in refusing to settle for anything less than being ridiculously in love with the person I choose to spend my life with. She actually told me I'm "getting older" and that soon my looks will go and I'll end up a "confirmed bachelor". I refuted all of this and stood my ground and then I think she started to barter with me, asking what it would take to get me to settle down, as if she were trying to sell me a car or something. This song just happened to come on as we were having this discussion, and it's quite fitting. I've always liked the lines, "I've been searching for the daughter of the devil himself, I've been searching for an angel in white, I've been waiting for a woman who's a little of both". Smartass that I am, I told her that line right there was what would settle me down. A chick who was all those things. The reply? "Done. There's this girl at my work, mijo...might be slutty enough for you". *sigh* She just never learns, yo...