Saturday, April 7, 2012

Flirting With Disaster

My cousin is on the verge of making a terrible decision. I don't like to judge what other people do but this one is so obviously wrong that I can't help but think about it. I've written about him before; he dated this chick for like seven years, they went on and off for the final year and he finally broke it off because (he said) he was tired of waiting for her to be ready for marriage and kids. Dude was on the verge of proposing when he heard from a friend of hers that she was not going to say yes, so he killed those plans. That started a convo about what they each wanted and he was ready for a family and she wasn't so they split. She got engaged to some guy she'd known five minutes after they broke up and, as far as we know, they're still together but no longer engaged. My aunt thinks the impulse engagement was more for show than anything else, like, 'oh look I really am ready for marriage and kids, don't you want me back'. But he didn't take the bait. He says he feels like she's years away from wanting the things he does but she didn't want to tell him that. So he decided to fly solo and he's been depressed ever since. Until the past few months, that is.
Around Christmas, the cousin suddenly perked up a bit but wouldn't say what the reason was. We all assumed he was either hooking up with someone or dating someone new. Then he got all down again the past few months, only to get back on the happy train in March. He finally explained to me today that he started hanging out with his high school girlfriend again around the holidays, but they broke off...whatever it was for awhile. But they decided to have coffee a few weeks ago, and went to a movie together last weekend. Sounds like they're dating, right? Yeah. The one kink in their otherwise genius plan is that she's married. He swears they're not going on dates, just "friendly outings" but they certainly sound like dates. I don't think anyone's asked him aout what's really going on though. I want to believe they're not anywhere near having an affair but...I don't know. They have a lot of history between them. They dated through most of high school but broke up when she went off to college and he began dating someone else. Then he met his last girlfriend and they went on their magical mystery ride, which included one break-up that got especially nasty. They weren't officially broken up but they weren't speaking and she went out with a group of friends that included some dude from her past and made sure the pictures were online. In retaliation (they were young and immature), my cousin went out with HS girlfriend and told EVERYONE about it. He knew how jealous his girlfriend was of this particular ex and when she tore into him about how it hurt her, he swore to cut off all contact with the ex. And he did. (Btw, I thought it was ridiculous that she forced him to do so since I knew for a fact they were just friends). And now they're "friendly" again...*sigh*. Wait and watch I guess.
On another note, I feel like I am finally getting over the Plague. But every day seems to have brought a new symptom. Today's was random choking (not coughing) fits that were so bad I almost got sick a couple times. But I finally got some Gatorade today to help with the dehydration and I'm starting to feel better. Still tired as hell, but that's also the anemia. Hopefully this is the end of this damn virus and I'll be all better soon. I say hopefully because three days ago I thought I was on the mend but then couldn't get off my couch the next three days. So...yeah. Here's hoping...