Thursday, April 26, 2012

We Love You Helen Keller!

A few days ago, a friend of mine told me about her inability to get hot water during her morning shower. When I asked what the problem was, she said she didn't know and mentioned the hot water worked elsewhere (should've been a clue). Tonight, her mother (henceforth known as Mama B) solved the mystery for us.

W: Soooo, remember when I said that the hot water wasn't working in my shower?
Me: Yeah
W: Well, my mom just solved the mystery for me. I forgot which way to turn the temperature thing in my own shower. I HAD TURNED ON THE COLD WATER.
Me: LOL! Damn. That is hilarious.
W: *facepalm* FML
Me: Props to your mom though. I thought that was an unsolvable mystery.
W: She explained it to me all calm like too... 'Mija, that way is for hot. That way is cold ok? Here, now you try.'
Me: LOL Oh man, I LOVE your mother
Me: Going. On. My. Blog.
W: lol And of course I checked, like a fuckin' monkey figuring out what to do with a stick and a rock, and sure enough, she was right. And Damned if I wasn't perplexed as all hell.
Me: LOL This just gets better
W: It was like the scene in the miracle worker when Helen Keller had her hand under the water and she finally figured shit out.
Me: Hilarious
Me: Was it just the one day? Or multiple days?
W: *sigh*
W: Twice
W: lol It's going in my blog too
Me: lol Embrace it Helen!!!
W: LOL Bastard