Tuesday, April 10, 2012

Things And The Artistically Challenged Folk Who Draw Them

'Draw My Thing' on Facebook may be one of the greatest things to ever happen to my friends and I. Any free thirty seconds at anytime of day or night and we're shooting off invites to each other. But it's not just about the drawing (especially since most of us suck at that part). It's about the conversations something as suggestive as, 'Draw My Thing' produces. The other day a friend of mine and I were playing a round (or 20) and early on she had to draw spinach. So she drew an open can of spinach and started to write Popeye before I guessed what it was. Fifteen (or 30) rounds later, she got the same word and began to draw the same picture as before and I guessed it before she could even draw the spinach part. This is the exchange that followed:

Me: You shoulda drawn something different.
Her: I can't think of anything else for spinach.
Me: I know what your cans look like lol.
Her: LOL. Damn straight you know my cans.
Me: Your cans are magnificent though.
Her: I'm literally biting my lip just so I won't bust out laughing.
(She was in a library at the time.)

And just like that, you have an instant inside joke that can be whipped out at any time. It really is magnificent. I think it actually is an asset to not be able to draw because you never know what's gonna happen next. The other day my sister got the word divorce (seriously? How the hell do you draw that?) and drew a car with windows bashed in and a diamond ring in the front seat. Another friend simply wrote, 'Where you will not go' and I correctly guessed that the word was heaven. I think I like guessing better than I like drawing at this point. A sample of some of my "art":
A pretzel
A record
My version of 'divorce'

A friend drew this (cross eyed). I had no clue what it was
and guessed 'hungry eyes' before following up my guess
with, 'I feel the magic between you and I'.
I was trying to draw 'left' but my friend was not
understanding it at all. FINALLY they got it and
then proceeded to type, 'LEFT MUTHAFUCKIN'
LEEEEFFFFFTTTT!!!' into the chat box to illustrate
how frantic I was about them guessing this. Later,
my mom explained that I could've just drawn a right
arrow and a left one and circled the left one.