Monday, April 23, 2012

Happy Birthday To Me?

I turn 31 in about a half hour in my time zone. I turned 31 an hour and half ago on the East Coast and was on the phone with one of my favorite people ever when the clock struck 12, and she proceeded to wish me a 'Happy Birthday' and then console me about the grey hair I found yesterday by saying I could always go bald before I go grey, and mentioned that my hairline is already receding. Then I had a conversation with another friend and...well, I've been on a roll since then. Thank ya'll for all the birthday wishes!

Friend: Details shmetails
Me: lol I thought you wrote: 'details shemales'. Which is also good
Friend: LOL Apparently
Me: lol I'm gonna use that now.
Me: The phrase, not the shemales
Friend: LOL Once again, thank you for clarifying
(Some background: This whole convo took place on Facebook and she was simultaneously posting a video on my wall with birthday wishes and a video of Stewie from Family Guy. And 'bumping cans' is an inside joke.)

Her: For you maybe
Her: I however, am an emotionally complex creature
Me: *rolls eyes*
Me: An hour ago we were bumping cans
Her: An hour ago, you were young in New York
Her: Things change
Me: Ohhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhh SNAP!
Me: Ouch.
Me: You cunt me deep
Me: You cut me real deep
Her: LMAO!!!!
Me: LOL. CUT!!!
Her: I feel so have witnessed that
Me: That was just awesome
Her: lol It was
Her: I love the crayon scribbles in his journal
Me: Whose journal?
Her: Stewies' journal
Me: lol I was talking about the cunt incident
Me: But yeah, the video was good too
Her: LOL
Her: it is hard
Her: for me
Her: to follow
Her: along
Me: I was confused about you referring to cunt as a he and highly impressed that it could write in a journal
Her: LOL I'm sure if you had a cunt, it'd be talented
Me: lol Damn sippy it would
Me: This is all going on my blog
Her: LOL oh I hope it does
(Another friend posted to my wall and I replied but it didn't quite come out the way I planned. Then the friend from the last convo chimed in with her two cents.)

Him: Happy Birthday bro!
Me: Thank you! Tell your mom thanks.
Me: LOL. That came out wrong. I meant tell her thank you for the message. Wow.
Her: Oh. My. God. You're on a roll...
Her: I can't begin to tell you how awesome this new year is turning out to be!

And my birthday hasn't even officially started yet. Aren't I a lucky birthday boy.