Friday, February 28, 2014

Someecard Round-Up

Every Monday the BF sends out an email with a bunch of these. This past month has been an especially good one with the ecards. Many relatables.



I don't know why Romeo & Juliet is considered a good love story. E'erybody dies due to stupidity and a miscommunication. If anything, it should be a lesson in miscommunication.

But never a dull moment.

My great grandparents were married over 50 years. That's what I'm after, yo.

This one is for Agent W. You know why, gurl.

And finally...

If I'm With Friends And We Should Meet, Just Pass Me By, Don't Even Speak

I don't always endorse songs about affairs. But when I do, they're damn good songs. Happy weekend, y'all.

Wednesday, February 26, 2014

Oh, The Company I Keep

Me: lol I love you
Her: Thank you for loving me in spite of my last lame comment.
Me: We all have off days. I love you on the freakin' hilarious days and I love you on the off days. And I always love you more today than yesterday.
Her: I just swooned a little
Her: And flattery will  get you e'rywurr
Me: LOL e'rywurr
Her: I'm grateful for you too. You're one of the few people that consistently makes me happy.
Me: *Magic panties drop*
Her: LOL You beautiful bastard, you.


Yesterday, Agent W and I talked about a racially insensitive KFC commercial, as well as my possible extended journey across the pond. Later that day, this happened:

W: I'm sure you'd be fine without me, I know how much you love London. I hope you're able to find a way to go.
Me: 'Scuse you, I would not be fine without you. And I didn't think I'd have to be
W: Let me wallow!
Me: *checks he hormonalpalooza watch* Dammit woman, you've been all over the place the past two days!
W: *indignant gasp* I have so not!
Me: Lol I could hear that gasp all the way over here
Me: Sorry, over hurr
W: Ghetto people don't 'pologize
Me: Ghetto fabalous people do. They ain't ig'nant
W: Lol Theys got mannuhs and shit
Me: Lol damn straight
Me: I love how we admonished KFC for a racist commercial when almost every text we send is offensive in some way
W: Oh. Right
Me: But...uh...we're not a multimillion dollar corporation so we have no obligation to be PC! Yeah that's it!
W: Yeeeaah that's the ticket! 


Sir Elton's arrival is less than two months away and deciding on a name has become a full family effort. Everyone was given a list of names to offer an opinion on. I didn't like any of them and continued to call him Sir Elton (which drives my brother insane. Gotta love the perks.). Then, out of nowhere, they announced that they'd decided on a name - and neither name was one on the list we'd been given over a month ago. Less than a day later, they announced they were no longer keen on the name they'd chosen. Square. One. So now everyone is calling him whatever they want:

Me: It looks like Sir Elton is nameless again
Friend: lol Wow
Me: Now she's calling him Marco
Me: I convinced [Mr. L, the baby's older brother] to call him Sir Elton and it's driving my brother crazy lol
Me: My mom is calling him George
Me: It'll be a miracle if he doesn't have multiple personalities yo
Friend: I love you whacked out bastards
Me: lol That's our clan: screwing up kids straight out the womb for over 40 years now
Friend: lol Proud heritage you have 

Friday, February 21, 2014

To A Woman So Heartless

I had to help a friend out with some music for an editing job yesterday, which involved listening to a TON of clips to find the right ones to use. Most were of current hip hop songs and...they were not good. I feel like an old fool saying it but they all sounded the same to me and none of them were special or original. They pale in comparison to the hip hop of my younger years. But one of the songs I heard was this one, albeit the K.W. version and not the version I'm posting today. I don't like the original but I do like this cover. And it amazes me how this song didn't cross my mind when the BP saga ended. It describes the whole thing perfectly. She ended up appearing to have no heart, no soul, nothing reminiscent of human emotions towards the end. It was bizarre how inhuman she could be sometimes. And unfortunately, I did lose a lot of myself in that relationship. But I think I'm recovering just fine.

Thursday, February 20, 2014

Goodness Gracious, Great Balls Of FIYAH

Me: Did you know Mormons have magic underwear?
Friend: Yes I did 
Me: Why is it magic? Bc Joseph Smith said so?
Friend: They believe that the underwear is holy and therefore will protect them from temptation 
Me: I'm surprised my mom didnt have me fit for that in my teens
Friend: LOL they would have spontaneously combusted 
Me: It's a terrorist attack!! No wait...Giuseppe's magic panties just went up in flames
Friend: LOL goodness gracious great balls of fire! 
Me: lol truer words. Truer words
Friend: Magic panties coming to a BJ store near you 
Me: They have to say "oh oh oh it's magic" on the crotch
Me: OR Oh oh oh it's magic on the ass and "you'll never believe it" on the crotch
Me: And of course there will be some that say "hey gurl, you got a golden ticket" on the crotch too
Friend: lol I want one that says everlasting gobstopper
Me: Jizzy lifting drink
Friend: lol!
Me: This conversation turned out to be fantastic
Me: And we can write it off as a bidness expense
Friend: lol nice

If You're Dysfunctional And You Know It, Clap Your Hands!

One of my besties has been dating a new dude for awhile now. He's been treating her the way she deserves to be treated, which I've been happy about, but now some cracks are starting to show. Dude has apparently been cheated on many times and is insecure as hell because of it. The result of that is he's a wee bit completely clingy. And it's annoying her a bit. But, as with most things in our lives, we found a way to turn it into some comedy. I heart my friends.

Her: He's insecure about not being good enough, attractive enough, wealthy enough to land himself a wife
Her: Girls have been unfaithful to him
Me: Like repeatedly unfaithful?
Me: Bc methinks the reason for that is that he's too clingy
Her: I mean that more than one girl has cheated on him. He ends it after the one time...but more than one girl has done it
Me: Yep. Thought so
Her: One girl said straight out "you're not handsome enough"
Me: See, chicks like that, it's on them. BUT if several women cheated on me, I'd kinda have to take an inventory of whether or not I had more to do with it than if only a few had cheated. If that makes sense.
Her: It does make sense, and he blames himself
Me: I'm sure. But it's not about blame. It's about change, really
Me: You can blame yourself all you want but it won't fix anything. And no doubt that all of that blame he puts on himself affects every new relationship
Her: Yep
Her: So with me getting texts, and telling him to go out...he assumed that I have other options and that there are guys waiting for me to be single 
Me: I can't stand the clingy folk. How are you handling the cling?
Her: It hasn't bugged me yet. But I didn't take his shit yesterday either
Her: He was beating himself up and I had no patience
Me: lol "I am no no mood" a la Chris Griffin and the monkey in his closet, huh?
Her: lol Exactly
Me: You know, when we were sent out to find mates and multiply, no one told us that e'eryone we encountered would be fucked up
Me: We already knew we were fucked up ourselves and wanted better lol
Her: lol I know! Two crazies is a crowd mang
Me: On the other hand, it's good to know we're not the most fucked up of the bunch
Her: Hooray self esteem! 
Me: I'm gonna buy a cray cray decoder pinky rang with all my saved up self-esteem!
Her: LOL

Monday, February 17, 2014

Keep On Truckin'

We watched a show about relationships gone bad. This is how one of the stories began:

TV: "James couldn't help but hit on Melinda when he saw her washing her truck in the parking lot."
G: How do you even hit on someone at a truck stop?
Me: Hey girl...I like the way you're waxing that fender
Y: LMAO. Wow.
G: lol And with that, he can officially pick up women ANYWHERE.
Me: LOL. Hey, don't ask if you don't want the answer yo.

Perhaps not surprisingly, the truck stop love didn't last. Both were married, had an affair, divorced their spouses so they could marry each other, but James didn't stop his womanizing ways. In some sort of strange rebellion, Melinda got herself a gambling problem and decided to divorce James over all the cheating. Inexplicably, the judge dismissed her claims that he cheated (despite endless amounts of proof) and blamed her gambling for the demise of their marriage. James got everything, including the house they bought together, in the divorce. Melinda proceeded to ram her truck into the house, damaging the foundation and causing thousands of dollars in damage. In spite of all this, they still hope to reconcile someday since they "got along great".

Sunday, February 16, 2014

Modern Family

My bestie signed her, her baby daddy and me and the ex up for a co-parenting class today. I have to admit, I was thinking it would be the downer after what's been a pretty great weekend. But instead, it ended up being kinda great. The BF even made it back in time to attend, which surprised us all. The ex and I have a court date on the horizon and this kind of thing looks good to the judge so we figured what the hell. The point of the class was to clear the air about everything that's happened already and that could happen in the future, as well as get into the little one's heads about what they want/need. The thing I wasn't crazy about is that all of this is done in one room, meaning all of the parents and kids gather in the same place and you have to have your air clearin' talks in little groups all grade school style. But even that turned out to be okay. Nobody could hear anybody else's drama over...well, their own drama. Shockingly, the ex and I didn't have a ton to hash out. We've already done that, in parts, the past few months or so. We've both changed a lot in that time and it's obviously been for the better since we're getting along great. Neither of us said anything the other didn't already know; that she made things difficult for me because she still loved me and because she could, that I should've been up front during our first go round in saying I wasn't ready to have a baby (I was about 23 at the time, we gave it a shot and then I said I wasn't ready and we broke up). Once we got through all of our stuff, we just had to sit there and wait for anyone else to deal with theirs (the BF and her dude were the last to finish hashing out their issues, but her problems have more to do with his family and MUCH less to do with him). Then, they brought the kids back in and had them talk about what they wanted from the parents. (Miss N said she wanted a puppy. The counselor chick explained that wasn't quite what they were asking.) I was surprised at how little Miss N had to say (she usually doesn't stop talking these days). All she wanted was for the three of us to have dinner once a week. And the puppy. And honestly, she'll probably get both of those things by the end of the year since I kinda want a puppy too (like daughter, like father).
I'm happy we all did this whole thing. I really got some good stuff out of it. I've often thought I lucked out in knocking up Miss N's mom. We've had our issues but when we're on good terms, things are amazing. It makes everyone's life easier. People get all consumed about having the so-called "perfect" and traditional family, but I really wouldn't have things any other way. I love the mother of my child; as a friend, as family, and as the only other person on the planet who shares this amazing little being with me. I ADORE Miss N. I'm a very lucky dude. I'm surrounded by beautiful, smart women. (Years ago, I'd have said I was lucky because I was surrounded by beautiful women of a different sort.) I could have knocked up someone crazy or obsessive or who knows what else. I could've knocked up someone who was terrible at being a mother. But I didn't. Miss N's mom is one of those people you just know is going to be awesome at the whole parenting thing. She's patient, she's loving and she's always there for Miss N. Are we a traditional family? Nowadays, I would have to say yes. I grew up in a non-traditional family environment, back when people really thought something was amiss if it wasn't a mom, a dad and a couple of kids. Now, what is a "normal" family? I think we are. Certainly a modern one. All that's missing is a couple of gay uncles. Okay, well one more gay uncle since Miss N already has one. But, I have to say I'm very thankful for what we do have.

Saturday, February 15, 2014

My Bloody Valentine

My 14-year-old niece returned from hockey practice yesterday with a big box of chocolate and a stuffed teddy bear. Her father, furious that a young lad would have the gall to give his daughter gifts, went ballistic and demanded to know who gave it to her. Then this happened:

Bro-in-law: Who gave that to you?!? I want his name right now!
Niece: Some guy at hockey practice. I don't know his name. I think Jack....or Matt? I don't remember.
Bro-in-law: Well, aren't you just a carbon copy of your Nino. No names, no messiness.
Niece: Maybe it was Phillip?
Sister: Those don't even sound the same.
Cousin: Yep. You are your Nino's niece.
Bro-in-law: Well, which one is it? I have some skulls to bust!

I would be offended, OFFENDED, I SAY! ...If it weren't spot on. I'm kinda proud of her. Girl knows how to get all of the chocolate with none of the commitment. As for Jack/Matt/Phillip...I wouldn't worry about her dad since he's not a very big, nor a very threatening dude. But if he gifts her anything else, I'ma go roll his head off his shoulders myself.

Friday, February 14, 2014

True Love Is So Hard To Find And It's Right Between Your [?] And Mine

*Blackstreet's "Before I Let You Go" comes on Pandora*
Y: Oooooooh, turn it up. I love this song!
Me: Word
Y: Remember what you thought-
Me: Shut up
G: Thought about what?
Me: Nothing.
Y: You can share with the class or I can. Either's coming out...
Me: You know that line, "True love is so hard to find and it's right between your lips and mine"?
G: Yeah...
Me: For like...years, I thought it was, "True love is so hard to find and it's right between your LEGS and mine".
Me: lol Shut up
G: Wait...
Me: Shut up
G: No, no. I'm bout to drop serious knowledge here...
G: So, from about age 13 or so, you thought true love was located between your legs and a chick's legs...that sums up your entire dating history and perspective on relationships, dude lol
Y: LMAO. It kinda does actually...
Me: LOL. I'm sorry baby. It's not MY fault that I'm effed up, it's Blackstreet's!
Y: LOL Now who can we blame for the rest of your problems?
Me: Where there's a problem, there's a 90's track to blame it on

Wednesday, February 12, 2014

Just A Small Bump Unborn For Four Months, Then Torn From Life

If you follow the blog, you know that I am tres excited to greet Sir Elton in about two months time. I'm excited for every niece and nephew and Godkid that comes into my life. But for some reason, I feel super connected to Sir Elton. My mom thinks it's because he's going to be a carbon copy of me when I was a kid and thus we have that whole miniature hellraiser connection going on. I've been blessed (and I don't use that word often, but it applies here) to be an uncle since I was 19. I was already in love at the time, but it was a completely different kind of falling in love when my niece was born. It was a glimpse of what would happen when Miss N came into my life. Like an unconditional, head over heels, knocked on your ass kind of love. It's intoxicating. Which is probably why so many people go right at it and have a second kid without realizing having more than one knocks you on your ass in a different way. My best friend has only one sibling, a sister, that she's had a long and winding road of a relationship with. I've written before that they couldn't be more different personality-wise. The only thing they have in common is that they're both fiery, something they no doubt inherited from their late mother. Her death brought them closer together and also sent A (the BF's sister) on a bit of a self-discovery kick. Last year, out of the blue, she announced she'd married a guy she hadn't known that long and everyone was a little concerned. But they seemed to settle in okay and they really did seem to be in love. A few months later, she found out she was pregnant (they didn't get married because of that, the pregnancy came after the marriage). Both she and the BF were thrilled. The BF has Miss L, but has never been an official, official aunt. She counts my siblings kids as her own and she's Miss N's Godmother, but since she only has the one sibling, she hasn't had the chance to watch her sister go through a pregnancy and have a baby. And sadly, she still hasn't. Not the way it should be, anyway. Her sister went into very premature labor and they couldn't stop it. The baby was not developed enough to survive outside the womb, and the doctors advised everyone that it (the sex still unknown at that time because they'd chosen to be surprised) would not likely survive the night. The BF dropped everything and went to be at her sister's side. At 2:08 PM, little Henrik Raymond was born. They pulled his first name from their shared Scandinavian ancestry, the middle from her dad's name. They called him Henry, for short. He was tiny and he was in bad shape. Mom, dad, aunts, grandpas, grandma and cousins all got to visit Henry while he laid in the NICU attached to several machines that could only make him more comfortable as everyone waited for the inevitable. Doctors didn't think he would make it through the night, but he almost did. Henry passed away at 4:17 AM this morning, having spent only 14 hours in this life. Hopefully, his next life is much kinder and he gets to spend it with the grandma he never would have gotten to meet had he stayed with the rest of us down here. His 14 hours were spent with family, each of whom would have given anything to trade fates with the little guy. Time well spent.
Sadly, this isn't the first time our family has taken this kind of blow. One of my cousins lost her first child, also a son, when he was just four months old. The reason for his passing is still quite murky. At first, it appeared he'd had a bad reaction to a medication given for a cold. But then, there was evidence to suggest the pharmacist had given him either the wrong medication, or the wrong dosage and that resulted in his death. The official cause has never been determined, unfortunately. It's sad when anyone passes but when it's a baby, it really causes you to stop and think about a lot of things. And it makes you extremely thankful that you made it this far and that your child (or other children in your life) are healthy. I would not be able to cope if anything ever happened to Miss N or Miss L or any of the kids I adore. It seems so senseless and just plain wrong when a tiny little person who hasn't even seen the outside of a hospital dies. Having a kid makes you much more cognizant of your own mortality, so I can't fathom what having and losing a kid all in the space of a day does to you. There's not even a descriptive word for people who lose a child. If your spouse dies, you're a widow or widower. If your parent dies, you're an orphan. But what are you if you lose your child? There's no word strong enough. R.I.P. Mr. H. You are already missed.

Monday, February 10, 2014

Tradin' On Up

G: Fuck you and your genetics mother fucker 
Me: lol Uh...thank you?
G: I just took my wife, your cousin, to a damn family reunion and got a ton of, "Oh my gaw, your wife is gorgeous".
Me: LOL Oh my gaw
G: lol Well, it IS Texas
Me: Why is that a bad thing?
G: Because everyone was all up on how pretty she was and no one cared about reuniting with me or whatever the hell the purpose of that shit was
Me: lol And clearly you were sooooo invested in reuniting
Me: I'm sorry nobody thought you was purdy. Was it like, "Oh your wife is gorgeous! And you're...just...there"?
G: LMAO YES!!! Like they all totally thought I married out of my league. And they're fucking rednecks!
Me: LOL Buuuuuurn
Me: But riddle me this...had they thrown you (a big ass lie) of a compliment, would the reuniting have been so good? Would it have been understood?
G: LMAO Fuck you, 'Seppe. 
G: Wouldn't you be upset if people fawned all over your Missus and ignored you?
Me: No. I'd consider myself lucky to have traded up.
G: lol Yeah, cuz no one thinks you traded up. They all look atchu, cover girl. You betta wurk!
Me: LOL Fuck you right back
G: Great. Now I've been fucked by two people better looking than me lol
Me: Oh MANY more people than that if you count all of your exes (and you should).
G: I hate you.

Tuesday, February 4, 2014

Oh Babu, Babu

Yesterday, a friend and I spoke of starting a band called, "PMS". Not for any good reason. Just because that's what we do. And, like most of our conversations, things spiraled from there (any similarity to Britney's "Hit Me Baby One More Time" is completely intended)...

Me: I see your Whitney and raise you...
Me: My PMS is killin meeee
        And IIIIIII
        Ordered one of everythiiiiing
        At Mickey D's
        This time of the month, I lose it all
        I can't fit in a smallll-alllll-alllll-allll
        Hit me with some more Midollll
Friend: LMAO!! Get out of my head!

As if my artistic efforts were not enough, autocorrect ended up making light of my mom's illness (she's been sick for a week, today they diagnosed it as whooping cough. I had that in high school, and it was super rare back then, and coughed so hard that I cracked a rib. Mom didn't believe it was possible to cough so hard that you crack a rib and told me I was overreacting. Until I had to go to the doc and he confirmed my suspicions. Mom was nice to me after that.).

Me: They think mom has whooping cough. I had that in high school and coughed so hard, I cracked a rib
Friend: I think you told me that
Me: lol Then you know all about how she called me a liar whilst I was literally hacking up a Kung-Fu Panda
Friend: LOL Wow. That was awesome
Me: LMAO. Lung. I did not hack up a karate panda. I wouldn't have been surprised though

Monday, February 3, 2014

Mile High Meltdown

I got an email asking about my thoughts on yesterday's...whatever that was. Admittedly, I didn't watch it all. I tuned out at the end of the first (maybe early in the second) when Seattle ran back a turnover for a touchdown. The score was still manageable by then, but I knew the Broncos would never recover. I knew Seattle was going to win the moment they got that safety. It was such a rookie mistake on the part of the Broncos, I don't care how loud it was in that stadium. They knew how loud it would be, and they've played in louder environments than that before. The whole half-ish of the "game" I saw reeked of a team who spent the past week taking in the sights and thinking they already had this thing in the bag, rather than a top team who prepped for the biggest game of their lives. Looking at them on the sidelines after that botched first snap, I saw nothing of the team I'd been supporting the past year. Their eyes were vacant. They looked uninterested. Even Manning, who I've never seen look so bored. And who I never took to be a quitter. Your career nearly ends because of a neck injury, you spend two years getting back on the field, and you get put out on your ass by your longtime team. This was what you'd worked for those years, and the past two seasons. Fuck the records, fuck the MVP trophy. This is what you were working and waiting for all that time. And when you finally get to the big dance, THAT'S how you play?? Manning lashed out at a reporter who called it an embarrassing display, but I don't see how he could disagree. Unless he wanted to use another word to describe it. Like pathetic. Or unbelievably horrible. Hell, get on up on that podium and tell the press what the whole world got to see yesterday - that you quit, your teammates quit and your coaches apparently aren't able to properly motivate you to do otherwise. I've never, ever seen a worse football game in my life. When even the other team is shocked by how easily they can score, you know you're a fucking embarrassment.
What pisses me off the most is that Seattle ran their big mouths all week and, in the end, they didn't even have to play for a championship. All they had to do was show up. Denver's prolific offense still has not met Seattle's great defense. Defense didn't win the championship. All Seattle did was show up, Denver handed them (literally) everything they got, including the Lombardi trophy. It was never a competition. Everyone will say Seattle won the Super Bowl but really Denver never even seemed remotely interested in competing for one. They shoulda saved us all the trouble, not to mention a ton of cash, and forfeited the trophy a week ago. I've been thinking about why it all feels so devastating. I mean, it literally broke my heart to see them just give up and not care. How do you do that? Anything worth having is worth fighting for. All they had to do was be who they had been all season long, and for the better part of two seasons. And I think that's why it's been such a blow. Because it's been a two year wait to get this point and now that's how it ends? From the time Manning signed, it became clear that it was Super Bowl or bust for the Broncos. Last year, they had their ticket all but punched when a terrible defense and a belief that their lead was insurmountable felled them in the final minutes. Supposedly they'd learned from that. Apparently not. Is this some sort of test? The first try, you blow it in the AFC Championship game, the second time (which can't even be labeled a "try"), you bitch out on a worldwide stage and next year you'll actually go all the way? Yesterday was so god-awful, I don't even think I want them to get back to the Super Bowl. Why embarrass yourself twice? Obviously the pressure got to all of them, they quit and they got steamrolled. End of story. And you have to be a special kind of awful to make a bunch of people want nothing to do with you. I mean, I bought a Broncos shirt that had a SB logo on it, thinking that even if they lost, I'd still have a memento of them having gone to the big game. But after yesterday's fiasco, I don't even wanna remember they went to the big game. I can't return the damn thing fast enough. Hopefully, yesterday fades from memory ASAP. I don't wanna talk about, I don't wanna read about it, I don't even wanna see the color orange on a damn construction cone. I just wanna move on.