Saturday, February 15, 2014

My Bloody Valentine

My 14-year-old niece returned from hockey practice yesterday with a big box of chocolate and a stuffed teddy bear. Her father, furious that a young lad would have the gall to give his daughter gifts, went ballistic and demanded to know who gave it to her. Then this happened:

Bro-in-law: Who gave that to you?!? I want his name right now!
Niece: Some guy at hockey practice. I don't know his name. I think Jack....or Matt? I don't remember.
Bro-in-law: Well, aren't you just a carbon copy of your Nino. No names, no messiness.
Niece: Maybe it was Phillip?
Sister: Those don't even sound the same.
Cousin: Yep. You are your Nino's niece.
Bro-in-law: Well, which one is it? I have some skulls to bust!

I would be offended, OFFENDED, I SAY! ...If it weren't spot on. I'm kinda proud of her. Girl knows how to get all of the chocolate with none of the commitment. As for Jack/Matt/Phillip...I wouldn't worry about her dad since he's not a very big, nor a very threatening dude. But if he gifts her anything else, I'ma go roll his head off his shoulders myself.