Monday, February 10, 2014

Tradin' On Up

G: Fuck you and your genetics mother fucker 
Me: lol Uh...thank you?
G: I just took my wife, your cousin, to a damn family reunion and got a ton of, "Oh my gaw, your wife is gorgeous".
Me: LOL Oh my gaw
G: lol Well, it IS Texas
Me: Why is that a bad thing?
G: Because everyone was all up on how pretty she was and no one cared about reuniting with me or whatever the hell the purpose of that shit was
Me: lol And clearly you were sooooo invested in reuniting
Me: I'm sorry nobody thought you was purdy. Was it like, "Oh your wife is gorgeous! And you're...just...there"?
G: LMAO YES!!! Like they all totally thought I married out of my league. And they're fucking rednecks!
Me: LOL Buuuuuurn
Me: But riddle me this...had they thrown you (a big ass lie) of a compliment, would the reuniting have been so good? Would it have been understood?
G: LMAO Fuck you, 'Seppe. 
G: Wouldn't you be upset if people fawned all over your Missus and ignored you?
Me: No. I'd consider myself lucky to have traded up.
G: lol Yeah, cuz no one thinks you traded up. They all look atchu, cover girl. You betta wurk!
Me: LOL Fuck you right back
G: Great. Now I've been fucked by two people better looking than me lol
Me: Oh MANY more people than that if you count all of your exes (and you should).
G: I hate you.