Thursday, February 20, 2014

Goodness Gracious, Great Balls Of FIYAH

Me: Did you know Mormons have magic underwear?
Friend: Yes I did 
Me: Why is it magic? Bc Joseph Smith said so?
Friend: They believe that the underwear is holy and therefore will protect them from temptation 
Me: I'm surprised my mom didnt have me fit for that in my teens
Friend: LOL they would have spontaneously combusted 
Me: It's a terrorist attack!! No wait...Giuseppe's magic panties just went up in flames
Friend: LOL goodness gracious great balls of fire! 
Me: lol truer words. Truer words
Friend: Magic panties coming to a BJ store near you 
Me: They have to say "oh oh oh it's magic" on the crotch
Me: OR Oh oh oh it's magic on the ass and "you'll never believe it" on the crotch
Me: And of course there will be some that say "hey gurl, you got a golden ticket" on the crotch too
Friend: lol I want one that says everlasting gobstopper
Me: Jizzy lifting drink
Friend: lol!
Me: This conversation turned out to be fantastic
Me: And we can write it off as a bidness expense
Friend: lol nice