Thursday, February 20, 2014

If You're Dysfunctional And You Know It, Clap Your Hands!

One of my besties has been dating a new dude for awhile now. He's been treating her the way she deserves to be treated, which I've been happy about, but now some cracks are starting to show. Dude has apparently been cheated on many times and is insecure as hell because of it. The result of that is he's a wee bit completely clingy. And it's annoying her a bit. But, as with most things in our lives, we found a way to turn it into some comedy. I heart my friends.

Her: He's insecure about not being good enough, attractive enough, wealthy enough to land himself a wife
Her: Girls have been unfaithful to him
Me: Like repeatedly unfaithful?
Me: Bc methinks the reason for that is that he's too clingy
Her: I mean that more than one girl has cheated on him. He ends it after the one time...but more than one girl has done it
Me: Yep. Thought so
Her: One girl said straight out "you're not handsome enough"
Me: See, chicks like that, it's on them. BUT if several women cheated on me, I'd kinda have to take an inventory of whether or not I had more to do with it than if only a few had cheated. If that makes sense.
Her: It does make sense, and he blames himself
Me: I'm sure. But it's not about blame. It's about change, really
Me: You can blame yourself all you want but it won't fix anything. And no doubt that all of that blame he puts on himself affects every new relationship
Her: Yep
Her: So with me getting texts, and telling him to go out...he assumed that I have other options and that there are guys waiting for me to be single 
Me: I can't stand the clingy folk. How are you handling the cling?
Her: It hasn't bugged me yet. But I didn't take his shit yesterday either
Her: He was beating himself up and I had no patience
Me: lol "I am no no mood" a la Chris Griffin and the monkey in his closet, huh?
Her: lol Exactly
Me: You know, when we were sent out to find mates and multiply, no one told us that e'eryone we encountered would be fucked up
Me: We already knew we were fucked up ourselves and wanted better lol
Her: lol I know! Two crazies is a crowd mang
Me: On the other hand, it's good to know we're not the most fucked up of the bunch
Her: Hooray self esteem! 
Me: I'm gonna buy a cray cray decoder pinky rang with all my saved up self-esteem!
Her: LOL