Friday, February 14, 2014

True Love Is So Hard To Find And It's Right Between Your [?] And Mine

*Blackstreet's "Before I Let You Go" comes on Pandora*
Y: Oooooooh, turn it up. I love this song!
Me: Word
Y: Remember what you thought-
Me: Shut up
G: Thought about what?
Me: Nothing.
Y: You can share with the class or I can. Either's coming out...
Me: You know that line, "True love is so hard to find and it's right between your lips and mine"?
G: Yeah...
Me: For like...years, I thought it was, "True love is so hard to find and it's right between your LEGS and mine".
Me: lol Shut up
G: Wait...
Me: Shut up
G: No, no. I'm bout to drop serious knowledge here...
G: So, from about age 13 or so, you thought true love was located between your legs and a chick's legs...that sums up your entire dating history and perspective on relationships, dude lol
Y: LMAO. It kinda does actually...
Me: LOL. I'm sorry baby. It's not MY fault that I'm effed up, it's Blackstreet's!
Y: LOL Now who can we blame for the rest of your problems?
Me: Where there's a problem, there's a 90's track to blame it on