Friday, February 21, 2014

To A Woman So Heartless

I had to help a friend out with some music for an editing job yesterday, which involved listening to a TON of clips to find the right ones to use. Most were of current hip hop songs and...they were not good. I feel like an old fool saying it but they all sounded the same to me and none of them were special or original. They pale in comparison to the hip hop of my younger years. But one of the songs I heard was this one, albeit the K.W. version and not the version I'm posting today. I don't like the original but I do like this cover. And it amazes me how this song didn't cross my mind when the BP saga ended. It describes the whole thing perfectly. She ended up appearing to have no heart, no soul, nothing reminiscent of human emotions towards the end. It was bizarre how inhuman she could be sometimes. And unfortunately, I did lose a lot of myself in that relationship. But I think I'm recovering just fine.