Tuesday, February 4, 2014

Oh Babu, Babu

Yesterday, a friend and I spoke of starting a band called, "PMS". Not for any good reason. Just because that's what we do. And, like most of our conversations, things spiraled from there (any similarity to Britney's "Hit Me Baby One More Time" is completely intended)...

Me: I see your Whitney and raise you...
Me: My PMS is killin meeee
        And IIIIIII
        Ordered one of everythiiiiing
        At Mickey D's
        This time of the month, I lose it all
        I can't fit in a smallll-alllll-alllll-allll
        Hit me with some more Midollll
Friend: LMAO!! Get out of my head!

As if my artistic efforts were not enough, autocorrect ended up making light of my mom's illness (she's been sick for a week, today they diagnosed it as whooping cough. I had that in high school, and it was super rare back then, and coughed so hard that I cracked a rib. Mom didn't believe it was possible to cough so hard that you crack a rib and told me I was overreacting. Until I had to go to the doc and he confirmed my suspicions. Mom was nice to me after that.).

Me: They think mom has whooping cough. I had that in high school and coughed so hard, I cracked a rib
Friend: I think you told me that
Me: lol Then you know all about how she called me a liar whilst I was literally hacking up a Kung-Fu Panda
Friend: LOL Wow. That was awesome
Me: LMAO. Lung. I did not hack up a karate panda. I wouldn't have been surprised though