Wednesday, August 12, 2015

Every Turn A Surprise, Every Moment Red Letter

I just impulse bought an Xbox One. Then this happened.

G: Can I come over and play with your new toy, can I??
Me: No.
G: Come on, Giuseppe. Let me share that whole new world of gaming with you!
Me: lol Yesterday, A wanted me to share a whole new world of sex with a client. Ya'll are big on that phrase lately.
G: lol Hey, the only reason you get a seat at this table is cuz you pretty. Play to your strengths, yo.
Me: I can show you the wooooorld
Me: Bondage, S&M, sex tooooooys
Me: I can open your eyyyyyes
Me: Take you roleplay by roooooleplay
Me: Over, sideways and under you
Me: On a magic carpet riiiiiide
G: LMAO. Oh my god...
Me: A whole new woooooorld
Me: A new fantastic point of view
G: lol You can pervert anything, can't you?
Me: A whole new woooooorld
Me: Of dazzling positions you never knew
Me: I'll take you anywhere
Me: Let's do it on some stairs
Me: Let me share this whole new world with yoooooou
Me: *drops mic*
G: LMAO! Did you seriously just write all that off the top of your head right now?
Me: lol Yes.
G: That was fuckin' impressive.
G: What a shame you don't use your powers for good.
Me: LOL. And how.