Wednesday, August 5, 2015

The Good Whore

Me: So this will reaffirm my grammar nerdiness...
Me: I was watching "The Good Wife" and the main character was running for office, when her law firm's email accounts were hacked and the messages posted online for all to see
Me: Some of those emails were sext messages between her and her boss (mind you, she's married)
Me: The media went all cray cray, and her team chose to play it as being harmless flirtation and nothing more to minimize the damage
Me: People are going on about the sexually explicit stuff in the messages and I'm over here like, "But how does no one care that the grammar in that sexting is impeccable? Well done."
Me: Grammatically correct sexting is something I can respect, no matter the circumstances of the people doing it.
Friend: LOL. I can get down with that.
Me: lol That's when you know you're a true grammar nerd
Me: When proper grammar in sexting negates all other misconduct
Friend: (And a whore) lol
Me: But an educated whore!
Me: I'd pay extra for, "You like that, Babu?", instead of, "U like that Babuu?"
Friend: lol So would I. The errors would turn me off
Friend: I'd respond with corrections lol
Me: lol Get out that red pen, gurl