Friday, August 28, 2015

Extra Grande

A friend had a run in with some pervert and sent me a screenshot of how she handled him. And then...well...

Her: Then it took a turn for the obscene and I had it. I'm only telling you cuz I feel like I dropped the mic.
Me: First, what a jackass. Second, I love how the only time you're a lady is when you're telling a fool off lol.
Her: lol I'm a prude to a point. I was like, "Oh yeah? How big are--wait a goddamn minute!"
Me: LOL. You're juuuuuuust slutty enough to snap yo'self outta asking.
Her: LOL Yes!

[Six hours later]

Me: Love you gurl.
Her: I adore you, with everything I've got.
Me: Oh yeah? How big is everything you've--wait just a damn minute! I am a lady!
Her: LOL!!! I fuckin' love you.