Wednesday, August 5, 2015

La, La, La, La, La

Me: Buy me a mansion.
Me: With a Starbucks, obviously.
Me: And a spare room for my womensz so I can avoid the awkwardness of the mornings after.
Me: Actually, just buy me Starbucks and a woman. I don't have a problem kicking them out the morning after.
Friend: lol Charming
Friend: Knowing you, you probably make them breakfast.
Me: lol That's what Carnation instant breakfast is for
Friend: lol Do you put it in a to go cup and throw it out the door?
Me: Nah, I says to them, I says, "Yo milkshake is on the dresser"
Friend: lol "My milkshake sends yo ass to the yard"
Me: lol And you like, "this ain't even a large". Damn right, it ain't even a large. I could supersize it, but the sex wasn't that good.
Friend: LOL "You weren't that large"
Me: lol How dare you! This is about the womensz shortcomings
Friend: Make me hungry, you awaken the sleeping bitch dragon
Me: La la la la la, blend it up, la la la la la, she be impatient, la la la la la, bitch hurry up, la la la la la, hey gurl don't hurt 'em
Friend: LOL
Me: These exchanges make life worth living lol
Friend: lol Don't they though? They escalate quickly