Wednesday, August 19, 2015

People In Your Life, They Don't Know What's Going On

Crazy Aunt: Mijo have you heard of Ace Or Base? They're white
Me: ...Ace OF Base. And yes. Like 20 years ago.
Crazy Aunt: Haha. The look foreign, are they foreign?

Me: They're Swedish. Like a 90's version ABBA. But I bet they would reunite for a billion dollars. Unlike ABBA.
Crazy Aunt: Ooooh yeah. There must be real dirt there if they didn't get back together for that much money. I think that's a white people thing. Your Uncle K still comes to family events and we get along.

Me: ...I don't have an Uncle K
Crazy Aunt: Yes, you do. He was my first husband. This was way before you entered the picture.

Me: If I don't even know the dude, he's not my uncle lol
Crazy Aunt: You never knew your grandfather. He's still your grandfather. *drops the hammer*

Me: LOL. First of all, it's a mic you're trying to drop, not a hammer. This isn't the WWF. And second, he's my grandpa because of blood, not because some crazy woman married him into the family.
Crazy Aunt: Hey! I wasn't crazy back then. Just easy and boozy.

Me: lol Well lookie there, husbands come and go, but your easy booziness remains some 30 years later.
Crazy Aunt: LOL. Now try and tell me we're not related. You were me in your 20's.

Me: Yes. Yes I was. Hell, I still am.
Crazy Aunt: Welcome to the club, mijo.

Teach your elders to text others and they still need a tutorial every time they send a message. Teach your elders to text you and you get ish like this all day long. I heart her.