Saturday, August 22, 2015

When She Leaves Your Ass, She Gon Leave With Half

A friend and I got into an interesting discussion about this cheater website that just had all of it's data leaked. I was surprised, and a little alarmed, that this friend found the type of thing the website was promoting, affairs between married people, to be perfectly acceptable "in some cases". Granted, this is coming from a fellow manwhore. However, he and I differ in how we handle our manwhoring. He's your textbook manwhore who doesn't care what a chick's situation is, as long as she's open to hooking up with him. On the other hand, I considered married folk to be totally off-limits, willing or not. Marriage is a super serious commitment between two people, not something that's thrown by the wayside when ish gets tough. If you're that unhappy in your marriage that you feel the need to seek excitement in the bedrooms of others, then get a divorce and then go do whoever you want. The friend sees it quite differently - as long as everyone (minus the spouse, of course) is a consenting adult, who cares who you sleep with? In his view, it's not his job to make sure a person stays faithful since he's not the one who took the vows. Whilst I understand that perspective, having been a position where I was cheated on, I can't fathom being involved in any behavior that makes someone else feel the way I did in the aftermath. And that was outside of a marriage, so the feeling when it's your spouse has to be that much worse. Further, I couldn't live with myself if I played that kind of part in the dissolution of a marriage. I mean, how do you hook up with someone, knowing they have a husband/wife and maybe even kids, and then just go on about the next day like it was a regular old fling? They go home and go back to happy family mode and you go on about your life and then ya'll do it all over again. I can't wrap my head around that. I think the reason I was surprised by this friend's view is because he's a relatively decent guy, even with the manwhoring. Good family, good morals (well, mostly) and would give his right arm to any of his loved ones who needed it. But we all have flaws. I'm just glad he's in something right now that doesn't involve infidelity in any way.