Thursday, October 21, 2010


My daughter is the absolute light of my life. Don't know how I got along before her and I never want to have to live without her. But I am sad to report that the sweet, innocent girl I fell in love with seems to have gone M.I.A. the past few weeks. Yes ladies and gentlemen, the dreaded terrible twos have taken her over. Oh sure, she still looks like the same beautiful, curious soul she ever was (and I hope will be again someday). But behind the not a care in the world smile and adorable laugh lurks a mini-woman hellbent on spending all of her waking moments in timeout. Seriously, I should just park her in a corner after breakfast cuz we both know she's gonna end up there in short order anyway.
I have asked everyone who has ever dealt with a terrible two year old for suggestions on how to navigate all this. And I got nothin'. Everybody says we just have to be consistent with the discipline and the rules and wait it out. I had hoped we'd never get to this stage, at least not to the full blown terrible twos. She's dabbled in bad behavior before but now she seems to have fully committed to the cause. Eventually the moodiness will subside and the thrill will be gone and, I hear, she'll be back to her well-behaved self. At least until she hits puberty. And then there's her teenage years. It is kinda like being hostages in a way.