Friday, October 15, 2010


So I went out to breakfast this morning with my daughter and her mother. For those who don't know, my ex is African American and I'm Hispanic making our daughter biracial. My ex and I always drew stares when we were out and about but neither of us ever really cared until the kid came along. It annoys the hell out of both of us how people stop and stare at our dark-skinned, green-eyed little girl. It's about 70/30 in terms of the positive comments (ie. 'She's beautiful', 'Look at those eyes', etc.) to the negative stares. That's right, people wanna judge but they don't dare say anything to our faces about her. But this morning we encountered a particularly cruel group. We sat down at our table and started talking and about ten minutes later another group was seated in the booth behind us. Being the curious little soul she is (I'm so proud of that), our girl sat up and looked at the people as they sat down and then turned back towards the table. My ex was able to see the people at the next table and she quietly mentioned to me that they seemed to be staring at her, but trying not to make it obvious. We thought nothing of it until about ten minutes later when I overheard the woman at the next table (who was white) say something rather loudly about how there should be no mixing of races. I ignored it and continued eating because I learned long ago that you can't change the minds of people like that. Then another family walked in (with the cutest twin boys I've ever seen) who were also clearly a multicultural family. Just before they sat down, the rude group that was sitting behind us said, 'There's another one' and got up and left, causing a bit of a scene when their waitress confronted them about trying to leave without paying. Everything was sorted out and the rest of the morning went without incident. But the whole situation seriously pissed me off. Partly because my family situation is none of their business. But I think another part of me just thinks it's sad that people can still be so intolerant and can't accept that this is how it is now. Sooner rather than later, everybody is gonna be part this race and part that one and probably a little bit of everything else. I know I shouldn't let it get to me so much but I can't help it right now. I can't even find the words to finish what I want to say. Maybe later...