Friday, October 29, 2010

Writin' & 'Rithmetic

A few days ago I was cleaning out some stuff and found all of my writing from the past decade. It's kind of a lot when you look at all of it at once. There are 27 notebooks, mostly 70 pages each with a couple of five subject ones thrown in. According to my resident math whiz, that's about 2,170 pages total, every single one of them filled. Damn. I also have 17 more notebooks I have yet to fill (I'm addicted to back to school sales, I stockpile notebooks every year whether I need them or not). As if that weren't enough I also found my stash of pens that I write with. There were 34 pens in all but only 8 actually still had ink. 34-8=26 non-working pens (I did that math all by myself).
I am a serial tree killer and a pen hoarder of the highest order, folks (hey, that rhymes!). I wonder if there's a 12-step program for that?