Thursday, May 26, 2011

And I Ran, I Ran So Far Away

I'm pretty sure I've mentioned this before but I LOATHE running. I don't why and I'm not sure how this fiery hatred began cuz I remember (albeit vaguely) loving field day in elementary school and placing top three in the running events. But then in high school we had to run around the gym every day during PE and that was boring as hell. Then in my early 20's I started working out with a friend who was also a personal trainer and he was bound and determined to make me love running. It didn't take. In fact, I hated it so much that one day I devised a supposedly brilliant plan to get out of it; I would tell him that I couldn't work out on Saturdays because it conflicted with my religion. It was something about having to fast on that day, if I remember correctly. Saturday was the day he made me run a million miles, the other days consisted of different types of cardio that were not running and I didn't hate those as much. My plan worked for a few months, he didn't move running to another day and I had Saturdays to do with what I pleased. And then I got busted. He was working out with another client and his path happened to bring him past a Starbucks where I was sitting with a friend, big ol' cup of coffee and a muffin in front of me. He didn't confront me, he waited until Monday when we next worked out and then made me run TEN freaking miles. And told me afterward why I had to do it. As a result, I've never lied to him since. But I've also never gone running again.
I've had many failed attempts at picking up running since the Starbucks incident. I want to like it cuz it's a quick way to get cardio out of the way. Last week, completely out of the blue, I felt better than I had in awhile and got a weird urge to go for a run. So I recruited a friend (who nearly fainted when I told her I wanted to run) and we ended up running five and a half miles. And I felt great. Two days later I ran another mile and a half on my own and kinda enjoyed that too. That led me to decide I was gonna give this running stuff that good old college try and do it five days a week. It takes me a half hour to run five miles, which is not much time at all. So last night I decided to run cuz I hadn't for a couple days and I needed to get a workout in. In the midst of my stretching and warming up I rolled my ankle (both ways) and never got to get my workout in. It hurt like a mofo. Then it started to swell up and I iced it for awhile before going to bed. I slept surprisingly well but I couldn't put my ankle on the bed or under the covers cuz that hurt. I can't walk right today but the pain is not as bad as I thought it would be. It's more just unpleasant. Will I ever run again? Probably. But right now it holds zero appeal. And that was just the warm-up. More proof the uncoordinated shouldn't run.