Tuesday, May 17, 2011

The Chain

Ah, illness. How it can spread through the masses at a rapid rate. A few weeks ago my daughter was sick but quickly recovered after a trip to see the doctor. Then my mom got sick and hasn't been able to shake whatever she had until this week. During the height of her illness, she had a repairman over to her house who also had the same symptoms and had been sick for almost a month (he was also a smoker though, so that probably had an effect on the duration of the cold). Last week, my cousin and one of my best friends both came down with sore throats and bad coughs. They, of course, blamed me. But then I ended up in the ER and it was confirmed I had an infection, not a cold and wasn't to blame for their being sick (they still blame me anyway though). As if that weren't enough, another friend lost an entire day and night to a bad headache and yet another was feeling a little unwell and had to see a doctor today. So that's 6 people (at least) connected to me who aren't feeling well. All this led me to tell the friend with the headaches that I felt like I might be a jinx, to which she replied the universe didn't think enough of me to designate me a source of bad luck. Because that's what you need when you don't feel well. You need your friends to say A) they wish they could make you feel better and B) that you're not important enough to have infected all around you. So hopefully everyone mentioned in this post (myself included) gets well ASAP and all are able to finish up their projects and plans that have been derailed.