Thursday, May 19, 2011

The Wonder Of It All

There has been all kindsa tension between the mother of my child and I since my run in with her now-ex boy toy. Apparently she blames me for him breaking it off with her, but honestly it's not a big lost AT ALL. Dude was a jerk who was likely only with her to try and further his career. We've always been able to put our daughter first but we've made a conscious decision the past few weeks to not talk. Actually, I've been sick so I guess she's the one who made the decision to not talk and I just didn't notice until the other day. Last night was supposed to be her "date night" with our girl, but I asked her to to push it back to today and she unhappily agreed. The reason I pushed it back is because it's been kicking my ass to try and recover from this infection and take care of a toddler. But I'm sure as hell not gonna tell her that and miss my week with the kid, which I know she will never give me the opportunity to make up.
Her mom texts me at 8 in the morning but I don't answer cuz I'm still asleep. She texts two more times in the next 15 minutes and I turn off my phone cuz I know if it were anything serious, she'd be calling and not texting. My daughter and I get up, we have breakfast and play a little bit when her mom shows up at my door, completely unannounced, and says she's taking her to breakfast as their date and they'll be back in the afternoon. I left our daughter in a back room with a friend while her mother and I (okay just I, since she wasn't interested) talked for a second. I told her she'd already eaten and suggested they go to lunch or have the usual dinner date. No. She wanted to take her now, not later. Then she starts taking her stuff out of my house like she's gonna have her for longer than a few hours so I bring it all back in and she makes a scene in the front yard about how I'm "keeping her from her child". She took her, I told her to be back by three and waited to see what would actually happen. Fortunately, she brought her back on time and they said their goodbyes and my daughter seemed fine.
My girl and I sit down to dinner and completely outta the blue she says, "Mommy doesn't like you" and keeps eating. I asked her why she thought that and she didn't respond. I got mildly freaked out about what went down while she was with her mom so I asked a friend who spent the entire afternoon with them if anything weird happened and she said they didn't even talk about me or our current stand-off. While putting my daughter to bed I asked again why she said what she did and she countered with, "Do you love mommy?". I was very taken aback but I knew if I hesitated she pick up on the real answer (she's so much smarter than me, it's crazy) so I changed the subject to how much I love her and her mom loves her and nothing's ever gonna change how much either of us loves her. And with that, she went to sleep.
I don't know if she's just sensing the tension here or what but, if that's the case, we have to at least do a better job of faking it so she doesn't have to feel like she needs to take sides. Ideally, her mother and I would talk and figure this out and go back to the way things were. But it seems like the rational chick I used to be able to talk to has decided to make things difficult for me. What happened with her boy toy is not my fault, nor is his decision to break it off with her (that still makes me laugh; he starts crap and then HE ends it with HER). Am I sorry he's gone? Hell no. I think she's yet to grasp that our personal lives need not be connected anymore until things take a turn for the serious. I don't talk to her about what I do with my free time but she's always flaunted what she's up to, almost as if she thinks she can say something to make me jealous. I'm not a jealous person in general but especially not when it comes to her. I want her to be happy, preferably with a decent dude and not another jackass, but I really don't care what she does with herself when she's not around our kid. But I wonder if I say that to her face if it'll just make things worse and if she'll get even uglier than she already has. *sigh* I hate when people can't just be f-cking grown-ups.