Wednesday, May 18, 2011

Riddle Me This

Obviously the former California Governor's family biz has been big news the past few days, and understandably so. Even though it's an issue between him and his family, people are gonna talk about it cuz he's a very public figure and had a very public marriage (I would say 'has' but I'm pretty sure his Mrs. is outta there after this). I'm sure this is a personality thing, but I don't understand how this entire situation could happen. I mean, I don't understand cheating to begin with. But cheating with a member of your staff (that's a no-no), knocking her up (even bigger no-no) and then keeping her in your house with your family for a DECADE? How do you even live with yourself doing something like that? Apparently his wife and this other chick were pregnant at the same time too. I just can't wrap my head around that. At all. I don't get how you keep that secret for 14 years and you don't care what it's gonna do to the mother of your children, the chick you took vows with, when she finds out the truth. The big losers here are all of his kids, including the one caught in the middle. His kids must have played with that little boy when they were younger, and to find out now that he's their sibling has gotta be crazy. I've just spent a lot of time wondering how one deals with a betrayal that big. I can't figure it out but I hope it works out for all of them.