Friday, May 20, 2011

Repent Ya'll, The End Is (Supposedly) Here!

"This is the way the world ends
This is the way the world ends
This is the way the world ends
Not with a bang but a whimper."
Recognize that? It's from a poem called, "The Hollow Men" by a fella named T.S. Eliot. Those lines were also used very appropriately in the mini-series "The Stand", based on the book by another fella named Stephen King (also used fantastically well - Blue Oyster Cult's "Don't Fear The Reaper". Seriously, the first seven minutes of this movie are perfection). It's six hours long but totally worth the watch. Check it out if you haven't already. that I think about it, some crazies are saying the world is supposed to end in about 20 hours, well maybe you can rent it in the next life. I don't buy into religion in general so I'm not worried about the end of days but I figure, just in case the crazies have hit upon something, I should blog one last time.
For those who haven't seen "The Stand", it's about a virus that starts with one man but very quickly takes out the U.S. (I know what you're thinking here but I had an infection, not a virus ;p) and leaves a handful of survivors who then have to choose a side - good or evil. Good is represented by a sweet little old lady named Mother Abagail, while evil comes in the form of a dude named Randall Flagg. Both sides head to Vegas (where all battles of good vs. evil end up) and fight it out. It makes for good TV and a pretty darn good book too. Perhaps that's how I'll celebrate the momentous occasion of the world's demise, by watching a movie about the very same thing. I didn't plan to do this until next December but, what the hell? I wish you and yours a fantastic Friday night and Saturday (supposedly we have until the evening hours to party like it's 1999). And, if the crazies turn out to be right - see ya on the other side, kids!