Saturday, May 7, 2011

Troubled By The Way We Came Together

Ages ago I took a shine to this chick who seemed to take a shine to me too. Problem was that she was already taken and once I found out, I stopped pursuing her. We became friends though and I even met the boyfriend and actually liked him. Then one day she tells me they broke up but omits that she actually broke up with him so she could go out with me. No matter, I asked her out anyway (literally a few hours after she ended it with him) and we settled into a relationship very quickly. It was great for awhile. But then I started to drift back towards my first love and the feelings I still had for her. I didn't cheat but I definitely checked out of the relationship once my ex came back into the picture. Then I ended it abruptly and got back together with my ex and I did feel bad about it. But then I thought I'd done the same thing to her that she'd done to her boyfriend. What goes around comes around, right? At the time, that alleviated my guilt (well, that and youth) but later on I felt guilty about how we'd started our relationship in the first place and how in the end I wound up being no better than she was.
Recently a college friend (the one mentioned as 'A' in the bar incident) and I got back in touch via a mutual friend. Then she came into town and we spent a day and part of a night catching up and it was an awesome time. She was straight with me from the beginning that she was seeing somebody and that they were in the process of deciding whether or not to move in together. (The way I understand it, they've been off and on for years and she finally bit the bullet and asked him to move in together a few weeks before we reconnected.) I think we both sensed that there was way more between us than a friendship so we've kept our distance since then. She wished me a happy birthday a few weeks ago but didn't say anything more. Then I found out she is no longer with the boyfriend and has been contemplating reaching out to me. At first I was excited but then I remembered that little story from my past. History repeating itself? I don't know. But I'm not real anxious to find out. Obviously she has some reservations too if she's still contemplating. So I'm gonna give it some time and see what's what. If you don't learn from the past, you're bound to repeat it.