Tuesday, May 24, 2011

I Survived The Rapture!

Or did I? Maybe I just got left behind. If that's the case then I'm not alone cuz everyone I know got left behind too. Oh well. Maybe I'll catch the next one. There was an article on Yahoo today about the aftermath of this whole 'end of the world' thing for those who truly believed in it. Some people sold everything they had cuz they were sure they were gonna be one of the 200 million people to be taken (I didn't know until today that there were only so many tickets available for that ride). That is crazy. I get it, cuz you do what you believe in, but how do you deal when the time comes and nothing happens? You certainly can't just go on believing the way you did before. Maybe you just wait til next year to see what happens? I don't know, but I'm thinking it has to wreck you in some way.
A friend and I were debating what might happen next year, the very big 2012 scenario everyone's now turned their attention to. My first response was that we'd all die but I meant it jokingly. I have no idea what's gonna happen but I'm not gonna live in fear of the possibilities. My mom's theory is that the Mayan calendar maker dude just died and that's why the calendar suddenly came to an end. My brother doesn't want to ever talk about what might happen cuz it scares him. My friend thinks about it only when she spaces out during the day but can't wait to see exactly what will happen. If nothing happens, most of us will be in a similar boat to the people who thought yesterday was the big one. Not because we believe in it hardcore but because by the time it rolls around there will have been so many TV specials and movies and theories about it floating around that we'll have no choice but to buy into it just a little. But hey, that's a year and change down the road. We'll take it as it comes.