Thursday, June 9, 2011

So Wrong It's...Really Just Not A Very Good Idea At All

I got a text yesterday from a friend saying I needed to talk to her down from making a potentially bad decision. The dilemma being that she's in a...drought, of sorts, and was considering turning towards someone she'd rebounded with after her last serious relationship. She was in that limbo of remembering how things were between them and being ridiculously tempted to just take a small step in his direction and see if he took it the rest of the way. We talked about it, she laid out that he was completely her type but that she couldn't see them doing anything other than hooking up for a number of reasons. So I told her she shouldn't open that door unless she's ready for the fallout, whatever that may be. Stuff like this has a way of coming back to kick your ass in ways you never imagined it could. And she decided it wasn't worth it and deleted all his info so she wouldn't be tempted again.
Of course, I've been there (big shock, right?) but not in the same way as her. In my early-20's I had what I'm sure was an affair with an acquaintance. I knew she had a fiance but she insisted they were "on pause" and we weren't doing anything wrong. My gut told me something else but I was in such a bad place that I didn't ask questions. The chemistry was insane, all sexual but still like nothing I'd felt before (at that point). Then I had a moment of clarity and ended it. But every bad day I had for the next month made me wanna call her so I could just forget about what was going on in my life. But I never actually did. Sometimes everything in you is screaming that something is a terrible idea but it's hard to listen. Human nature, I guess. You always want what you can't have. But it's liberating to resist and realize you made the right decision.