Wednesday, June 8, 2011

What About Paul?

Have you ever had someone in your life you felt overwhelmingly thankful to have found? Like the stars aligned at the right moment to bring you into each other's lives. Or like you were always meant to meet and the universe was just waiting for the right time to throw you together. I'm blessed to have more than a few of those people in my life. But one in particular sticks out right now. We entertain each other in the most ridiculous ways and we're easily distracted. One of us makes a smartass comment, the other ones builds on it and before you know it we've invented an entire corporation that serves absolutely no purpose for society. We've come up with so many ideas, often while we should be doing other, more productive things. We talk all the time about how we should have our own radio show or youtube channel or something to share our brilliance with the world. It really is amazing how much brain power two people can devote to things that don't matter. It's scary how similarly our brains function. Often, one of us sets up a one-liner knowing the other will finish it. Will we ever get our own youtube channel? Probably not. Will we get our own radio show? Doubt it. But none of that matters. We make each other laugh and we make each other think and we take each other to task when we need it. And we go to each other for advice. We don't always take that advice, but ask for it nonetheless. I can't even count the number of inside we jokes we have now. 90% of our conversations are about things nobody else knows about. And that only entertains us more.