Saturday, June 25, 2011

I Don't Wanna Be There When She Just Breaks Down

Years and years ago, a wise little lady who has inexplicably put up with me for a very long time gave me advice that has never left my mind. I was agonizing over whether or not to to leave a bad relationship and her advice to me was that sometimes you just have to pick up your marbles and go home. I took that advice and left the relationship and it was one of the best decisions I've ever made. To this day, when I'm on the fence about something the first thought that comes to my mind is, 'What are the consequences of picking up my marbles and going home?'. It's become that much of a beacon for me in times of trouble.
Two nights ago I was in a terrible mood. My day had been trying and I was tired and just wanted to not talk to anyone or deal with anything. Enter the person from my last post, who has always had impeccable timing. I decided to talk to her and my mind immediately went to asking her why she'd decided to come back into my life. Given my mood, I didn't exactly ask this in a calm tone and she got offended and I got pissed off by her response and ended the conversation. Then I started thinking about what she said her reason was for getting back in contact with me - that she realized she missed having me in her life and was curious if I felt similarly. And the honest answer is no. I thought long and hard about what was best for both of us before I picked up my marbles and went home. I haven't thought about her much since that decision was made. I don't like what opening this door might lead to. So I've decided it's best not to even go there. And I feel very at peace with that decision.