Friday, May 30, 2014

The World's Oldest Profession

Me: I'm running about 30 minutes late because I've had sinus issues today, but I'll make it before your flight.
Client: No worries, hon. Is it nose or throat?
Me: Throat. I sound like an old man under water.
Client: Oh no! I'm gonna bring soup with me, maybe that'll help. 
Me: "I'm bringing a can of Campbell's"
Client: lol No smartass, real soup already made from a restaurant. It won't take me long to go over the boards and then we can have sex.
Me: LOL.'re the client.
Client: SOME***
Me: We can have some sex? lol
Client: LOL. Damn right I'm the client. In more ways than one as it turns out.
Me: So...are we gonna have soup after the sex or...?
Client: lol I appreciate you not letting that mortifying moment die quietly.
Me: lol My pleasure. But then, I guess it'd be YOUR pleasure since you're the "client".
Client: LOL

Thursday, May 29, 2014

I Always Feel Like Somebody's Watching Me

Y: *sigh*
Me: Hey gorgeous, how's it going?
Y: Hypothetically...if I had to take care of somebody, you'd help me hide the body, right?
Me: No. No I will not help you move a body, [Full name]
Y: lol It's cute that you still think the NSA is interested in our conversations. Even cuter when you throw your best friend under the bus in her time of need.
Me: lol Hey, you saw the same "Good Wife" episodes I did. And you always wanna kill somebody and hide their body. That's a typical day.
Y: Oh great, make me sound like a mob don to the NSA.
Me: I thought they weren't listening...
Y: lol We'll know in a few minutes if they bust through my door.
Me: *crosses he everything that they do*
Y: lol Ass.

Wednesday, May 28, 2014

Blurred Lines

Me: So [a friend] was late picking me up from the airport and I went into a restaurant to wait. I'm sitting there at the bar getting my Yoo-Hoo on when this chick comes and sits next to me .
Friend: Unbelievable.
Friend: You're there five minutes and you're already picking up chicks.
Me: LOL. Hey! I did not pick her up. She picked me up. Get it right before you ruin my chaste reputation, sir.
Friend: LMAO. I don't believe manwhoring your way across the world is what "chaste" means, my friend.
Me: lol Shut up. Anyway, she starts talking to me and I make conversation and whatever. Then she says to me, she says, "Well, you are just adorable, and there's a hotel right around the corner. But my husband can never know about it.". Because it was way late and I have blond roots, I was like, "...Why can't your husband know there's a hotel here? It's an airport, he has to assume there's one nearby.".
Friend: LMAO! Wow...
Me: lol I know. Unfortunately, the fact that I'm dumb only made me more attractive to her because she gave me her number.
Friend: You didn't notice the subject of conversation or...?
Me: It wasn't even like that, it was all basic ish yo.
Friend: Well...maybe she thought you were a gigolo.
Me: LOL. Wouldn't be the first time.
Friend: lol I know you're not gonna call her cuz she's married so can I have the number? 
Me: lol That desperate, huh?
Friend: I think I could really keep something together if I only had to half-please a woman.

Saturday, May 24, 2014

I Don't Practice Santeria...Wait...Maybe I Do

Well, last night was interesting. We were all trapped in one house by copious amounts of rain and flood warnings so Crazy Aunt decided to make the best of it by whipping up a batch of her infamous Sangria. Why it infamous, you ask? Because no one knows what she puts in it (we suspect moonshine of some sort) but all you need is one glass and you are feeling no pain. I had four glasses. Well, three and a quarter before the house cut me off. I'd been durnk texting friends all night with hilarious results (as you'll see. I'm a fun durnk.) but when I voiced my intention to text a certain someone, my sangria privileges were revoked and I was switched over to water. So what's a durnk lad to do? Go on Facebook and cause trouble, of course. My brother left his computer on so I wandered in and started going through his Facebook page, and then the pages of his friends. Mind you, I couldn't quite see straight so this was a big adventure for me. Eventually, I ended up seeing my ex-fiancee's face under the "People you may know" tab and insisted on telling everyone what I thought of that. Shortly thereafter, I was escorted to bed to sleep off my buzz. What follows are some of my drunken conversations, in chronological order.

ACT I - Pre-Drinks

Crazy Aunt: Mijo, you think I should marry Jake?
Cousin: Who the hell is Jake?
Me: Her new boy toy, I assume
Cousin: What happened to the other guy? The one she asked you to help set up a camera for?
[Other cousin's girlfriend busts out laughing]
Me: Yeah, it's as traumatic as it sounds.
Me: What happened to the camera guy? What was his name?
Crazy Aunt: Oh, I don't know his name. But that ended. 
Cousin: Ya'll are DEFINITELY related.
Crazy Aunt: I don't know how I feel about him though because I also date Phil.
Cousin: You'd better pace yourself...
Crazy Aunt: Pace myself for what? I'm 66. It's not like I'm gonna run out of men. I need to find another one to til death do us part with
Me: Because the fifteenth time you promise til death to someone, you really mean it.
Crazy Aunt: Don't get smart with me.
Me: Oh I'm not. If I were your age, I'm fairly confident I could commit til death too.


Act II - During Drinks

Friend: Grumpy cat has a Twitter? How do I not know this?
Me: I don't know what that is
Friend: You retweeted something from grumpy cat
Me: That doesn't change the fact that I don't know what that is
[Sends a picture of grumpy cat]
Me: Oh. Ok. It's a cat.
Friend: Not just any cat. It's a smart ass cat!
Me: I think animals with social media accounts are ridiculous
Me: [An old acquaintance] had an Instagram and Twitter for her dog. And she posted to it often. Like WTF
Me: If I come back as an animal and someone sets up a social media account in my name, I'ma bite they face.
Friend: lol!
Me: I almost lost my damn religion just thinking about that
Friend: Simmer down
Me: I believe the correct phrase is "Simma down nah"
Friend: LOL I almost wrote that
Me: LOL you shoulda
Me: It does nobody any good if I slap my own ass
Friend: LOL
Me: lol I don't even know what I was trying to say there
Me: I've had Santeria
Friend: LOL um sangria?
Me: Yeah that lol
Friend: I've had some gin and tonics
Me: It is raining like a mother ticket here
Friend: LOL Is that so?
Me: LOL Yes. I'm a hot mess gurl
Friend: I'm so lucky. I get to sit back and watch as you crash and burn
Me: Bc I am all Of this Hamilton
Friend: LOL I need to catch up to you
Me: Ah
Me: Ah
Me: Ah
Me: Ah
Me: Stayin' alive just came on
Friend: Oh yes, sing sweet nothings in my ear
Me: I was just informed that the words to that song are not "got some booty shakin' and everybody's baking and we're staying alive"
Friend: LOL is that how you've been singing it?


Act III - Post-Drinks

Me: I just saw [ex-fiancee]. She looks old. It's nice that she hasn't aged well.
Cousin: Okay Giuseppe, let's use our inside voice.
Me: She's FORTY-TWO. Old as hell and looks like it.
Me: WTF was I thinking?!
Me: I don't wanna date forty twos.
Cousin: LOL. Well...then you may never date again because that's right up your alley.
Me: NO! I'ma date like...not forty twos.
Cousin: lol That's a big decision for you. Now go to bed.

Friday, May 23, 2014

You Can Check Out Anytime You Like, But You Can Never Leave

Me: I've decided I can't trust anyone who doesn't believe "Hotel California" is one of the best things ever.
Cousin: Is this gonna be like the time you decided you couldn't trust the new Sheriff because he didn't drink coffee?
Me: Yes.
Cousin: That was ridiculous.
Me: Was not. The man has no vices and doesn't even drink coffee. That's not normal.
Cousin: Well...yeah, I guess it's weird to have no vices at all.
Me: Right? He has none at all. That's like seven less vices than I have.
Cousin: LOL. And never you mind that that's six more vices than the average person has, Giuseppe. 
Me: lol I am as Fonz made me.

I must have listened to "Hotel California" a billion times this week. You know how you have so many songs on your iPod that you totally neglect some of them and then they come up on the shuffle and it's like you discover them all over again? That's what happened to me. "Hotel California", both the original and the acoustic version, is pure perfection from note one. I pity the fool who doesn't believe The Eagles are one of the best bands ever. What better song to send us into a long holiday weekend than one about all kindsa debauchery? Happy Memorial Day, kids!

Thursday, May 22, 2014

The Itchy And Scratchy Show

Me: My left ring finger is itching up a storm all of a sudden.
Crazy Aunt: Do you have anything planned with a woman today?
Me: ...I have a call with [an ex] and some stuff with a female client...why?
Crazy Aunt: You're going to marry one of them.
Me: lol Uh, well I already tried that with the ex and it didn't take. And the female client is already married. But thanks anyway.
Crazy Aunt: I'm serious! Why else would that particular finger itch?
Me: Maybe it's a rash.
Crazy Aunt: Mijo, with your lifestyle I would not joke about that.
Me: LOL. Well...this has been a lovely conversation and thank you for it.
Crazy Aunt: Is she happily married?
Me: Who?
Crazy Aunt: The client.
Me: We're not having this conversation.
Crazy Aunt: Just tell me if she's happy! You never know, we end up with who we'd least expect sometimes.
Me: She's got five kids, she's crazy about the husband and we're just friends, okay?
Crazy Aunt: You already dated her, didn't you?
Me: lol Yep. Way back when.
Crazy Aunt: See? My pinger wasn't that far off!
Me: Your...nevermind, I don't want to know.

Wednesday, May 14, 2014

Submissive For Your Approval

I got into a random discussion this morning with a friend about equality in relationships. She comes from a Christian family and was going on about how she's butting heads with her sister about whether or not women should be submissive to their husbands. The sister is married with four kids, stays at home and essentially gave up on her own dreams for the sake of her husband's. He told her that once he left his previous job, which took him and the family all over the country at a moment's notice for the past decade, she'd be able to go out and do some of the things she wanted to do. That time came and he flipped the script, claiming he was now being called to enter into new ventures and thus she'd have to remain a stay-at-home mom. And she's doing just that. There was no discussion, no argument, he just told her what to do and she's doing it without questioning anything or bringing up how she feels about it. Her sister is also a Christian but is the polar opposite; unmarried, working on her career and unwilling to become a submissive housewife at any point. And that's caused tension between them because one is living out her dreams and the other is not. Things came to a head recently when one sister told the other one to speak up and was met with a lecture on how she's not a true Christian because she isn't settled down and submissive. According to her, men are the providers and the ones who make the decisions and women are the ones who sit down, shut up and blindly support whatever the dude wants to do.
I've heard this thinking before and it always baffles me that people are able to actually get through life with that kind of attitude. I also hear quite often that most men supposedly want a submissive woman and don't like to be challenged. If that's true, then count me amongst yet another minority. I dated someone who half-bought into the whole submissive thing and, needless to say, it didn't work out because that ish is just crazy. I get that some people still want the whole 1950's thing of the man making the money and the decisions and the woman taking care of the house, but I don't agree with those who claim it's a religious thing or that it's the way every relationship should be conducted. This is why some Christians creep me out; because their views on things are either very simple minded or everything is attributed to Jesus. "He" wants women to submit to their men on all matters, "He" would've sent a more open-minded man if women were meant to question their husbands. Pardon my French, but that's crap. And if you end up in a relationship where you're unhappy about deferring to your husband on everything, it's your own damn fault. You have free will, exercise it if you're unhappy.
I tend to be drawn to strong, independent women who have their own thing going on so it's not like I'd end up in this kind of scenario anyway. But I don't understand why there has to be a dominant and a submissive in a relationship at all. I want to be in a partnership, which means no one leads and no one follows. Decisions are made jointly, each party contributes and each party is heard. If you're unhappy with something, you speak up and shit gets solved. Life is too short to be unhappy for any stretch of time. I have a feeling that this chick is going to come out of all of this in 20 or so years, realize it was a mistake to give everything up for a man and by then, it may be too late for her to go out and do what she wants to. She's complained to her sister for eons about how she's not thrilled with the situation she's in. But her equally religious friends and family all tell her the same stuff about how she's a wife and she signed up to be this way when they got married. Hell to the no.

Sunday, May 11, 2014

Mamaaaa, Just Confused A Man

Me: Happy Mother's Day to Mama T!
G: Thank you. Same to yours! 
And tell your m I said thanks
G: For what
Me: It's a joke dude. Tell your mom I said thanks for last night, implying we bow chicka now bowed
G: LOL Uh...well I just told her you said thanks and she asked for what so I have to tell her something.
Me: LMAO. Tell her thanks for not holding out until the fetus was fully developed. Cuz you're a lot more entertaining this way.
G: LMAO. I agree.

Friday, May 9, 2014

And I Know I Say It Often, But I Can't Wait Til We No Longer Have To Lie About Us

So...I have this friend. He's in something with a chick and it's kind of been rocky from the gate. He really likes her but he's not sure if it's love. Awhile back, he got entangled with a chick he was working with. They had an instant chemistry and the attraction grew the more they worked together, until they started sleeping together. And, oh yeah, she was married (still is, actually). He was single at the time, but it was the affair aspect that made him put an end to the romantic part of the relationship, although they remained friends. About four months ago, he and this person began hooking up again, even though she is still married and he's now involved with someone. Her marriage is on the rocks, has been for awhile now, and she sees it as being very simple - she pulls the plug on the marriage, he ends his relationship and they start legit dating each other. But he doesn't view it as being so black and white. He can't decide how he feels about the person he's involved with and he's waiting for...I don't know. I guess he's waiting to see where it goes, although if he hasn't felt a spark by now then one probably isn't going to suddenly ignite. He's also aware of how bad it will look to his loved ones because they know this chick and know she's married and if she's suddenly consciously uncoupled (see what I did there) from the husband and dating someone else...well, we can all do that kinda math, can't we? Plus, he believes the person he's currently involved with deserves better than for him to just call the whole thing off right now. And so that's where things stand. One chick has absolutely zero idea what's going on, the other one isn't speaking to him until he makes a decision and it would appear the husband is basically a non-factor anymore since the marriage appears to be all but over. I thought this song was mighty appropriate given all that's going on.

Thursday, May 8, 2014

Batting Around

Youngin: Taurus and Aries are supposed to be a good match.
Me: Yeah...I don't know how much stock I put in the zodiac stuff anymore. It says Aquarius and Taurus are supposed to be a mismatch but I've had great relationships with Aquarians.
Youngin: Have you ever dated one?
Me: Yeah, a couple times.
Youngin: Libra?
Me: Yep.
Youngin: Oh my god...have you dated the entire zodiac? Let's see!

We proceed to go through the entire zodiac and deduce that I have indeed dated them all...and three of seven continents...and eight countries...and four decades...and a few of the zodiac signs a few more times. Thanks again for that topic of convo, kid.

Wednesday, May 7, 2014

Marriage, Babies And Movin' On Up

Remember the good old days when we were all young and the only expectation was that we not get arrested? Oh, how I miss that. It's been a day of announcements for my clan today. After last week's events, the gay cousin has seen the light and proposed (again) to his boyfriend and they've set the date for next summer. My cousin DMC has also had some revelations about his future and set a summer wedding date with his on/off fiancée of eight years. And my cousin in D.C. announced she's expecting a baby and moving to NYC in the fall. And I'm happy for all three of them. My mom and aunts tell anyone who will listen that there haven't been nearly enough weddings from my generation of the family. So you'd think the promise of two (and possibly three) weddings in the next two years would pacify them, right? Wrong. My family doesn't take in this kinda news the way most families do. No, they prefer to mark off those who are betrothed as "about damn time" and then turn their attention to the rest of us and say, "now, what about you?". I don't know why, but the women in my family have this pathological need to get us all married off ASAP. It's almost like they think they get a prize if they can get rings on all of us. I'd find it hilarious if I wasn't set right in the middle of the "what about you" crew. My mom would arrange me a marriage if she could, so as soon as she heard all this news she texted me, "So are you dating anyone special?". That was quickly followed by a similar text from another aunt (Crazy Aunt has backed off for the moment now that she's planning a big gay wedding). *sigh* I adore these womensz and all but...I know what happens when peeps get hitched in this family. It's gonna be a rough ride for the next two summers.

Monday, May 5, 2014

Something's Telling Me Some BullSh*t Is Going Down

A friend of mine has been dating a dude for a good amount of time now. Months ago, they had a bit of a hiccup when she got peeved at how overbearing he could be. He's been cheated on in the past, told he wasn't good enough for one reason or another by chicks and it's affected him to the point where it poisons his other relationships. They seemed to have made it past that but now there's new drama taking place. While they were both laying in bed last night, she caught a glimpse of his text conversation with another chick. There was some "romantic" type of conversation, including this chick asking him how he liked to be kissed. She only caught the convo out of the corner of her eye, but was also able to see him say, "I can definitely do that," although she's not sure what message of this other chick's that he was responding to. She wasn't sure what to do; should she confront him, did she have any right to, and solicited my advice. And you know what I said. Hell yes, she had a right to confront him and should probably do so. When she called him on it, he said that he was all about her, that he loved her and apologized for having a conversation "that could be perceived" as inappropriate. He claimed the romantic things she had read were actually this chick just "asking for a favor". At that point, she got up and went for a walk and the two of us continued our conversation about what she should do, and what she believed about his texting with this other chick. I side eyed his explanations and pointed out that there is no way something like "how do you like to be kissed" came into the convo as a result of "asking for a favor". That's a VERY specific question, and it's an inappropriate one when you are in a relationship with someone else. The friend decided she wasn't going to be able to move forward unless she knew exactly what was said and upon returning from her walk, asked to see the full conversation in order to see the context. Fucker had deleted all the texts and got attitude with her, claiming his word should be enough and saying that he doesn't have to prove anything to her. Then, he said that despite his many trust issues, he manages to trust her and that he had a huge problem with her thinking him capable of doing something like this with another woman. Apparently they stopped short of breaking up. A day later, she's still trying to figure out exactly what happened and what she should do next. But her gut is telling her that the convo was much worse than he made it out to be.
Three things: one, you for damn sure have to prove something to me if I catch you exchanging risque texts with someone else, and if you think you don't, then we have a bigger problem. Two, I hate that manipulative "well I did this so you should do that" bullshit he tried to pull about trust. Trust is earned, and it takes a long time to earn and seconds to lose. She has every right to react the way she did and feel the way she feels. It shouldn't be "I have trust issues, but trust you so I should be able to get away with murder". And three, the fact that you deleted the texts immediately upon being caught tells me there was something else going on and you knew you were doing wrong. There's no other reason as to why that would happen. If it genuinely was just "asking for a favor" and she turned the convo to something inappropriate, and you did nothing to contribute to that, there would be zero reason to delete anything. If it were innocent, all he had to do was say, "See? This is all that happened", show her the screen and put her mind at ease. It would've been that easy to put all of this to rest. Let us remember, it's always the cover-up, not the original act, that gets us into trouble. I value honesty above a lot of ish in relationships, so I would make a huge deal out of this until I knew just what had been said. But I don't know what her response will be. She's not a fan of confrontation and since he deleted everything, her only options are either asking the chick what happened or taking his word about it all and waiting to see if it happens again. And neither of those are very appealing.
In my experience, anyone worth trusting makes you earn their trust big time and expects the same of you. I couldn't be in a relationship with someone I no longer trusted, regardless of how good things had been before trust was lost. Her view is that the reason she didn't end it is because she believes he's been too good to her up until now and she's not ready to throw it away over this. And I get that. I've been guilty of staying in things too long for much pettier reasons than that, as well as departing them too early for equally ridiculous reasons. We all have our quirks in relationships. And we all value different things. For me, it's trust, honesty, respect and loyalty. If any of those goes missing, there's a pretty good chance I'm gonna back away with the quickness. And that's why I've been more mindful of the advice I dish out on this matter, because I know what I'd have done is way different than how she handles things. In the end, I just hope it works out for the best. She deserves better than some fool carrying on that kinda ish, especially right in front of her. Talk about disrespect, yo.

Saturday, May 3, 2014

The Manwhore And The "Archivist"

G: It's at 7. You should bring the girlfriend.
Me: She's not my girlfriend. 
G: Oh, what is she then? Your "archivist"?
Me: LMAO. Well played.

He has a point. The youngin and I backed off for a minute while she focused on school and I traveled for work. But we found ourselves back together again now that Summer is approaching. I like her, we get along very well. If not for the age thing, we might have some serious potential for the future. Honestly, I don't even think about the age thing when we're together. It's been pretty awesome that we've maintained a good friendship even when we're not dating. She doesn't get jealous about anything, she doesn't try to force is into labeling what we are. That's nice given the "marriage or nothing" ish I was last a part of. I don't think either of us feels the need to define anything at the moment. We're happy, that's the important thing. Cross every other bridge when we come to it.

Friday, May 2, 2014

The One You Gave Away Will Be The Only One You're Wishing For

'Member the good old days when there was no Mimi? Back when Mimi was a regular old gal named Mariah, who coulda saaang? Yeah, me neither. That seems like eons ago (probably because it was, sadly). Everything Mariah sang back then was gold, ya'll. Nowadays? No. Just no. Every now and then she puts out something that I like, something that's not as gimmicky and stupid as most of the music that's put out these days. "We Belong Together"? The backgrounds in that song are brilliant. More recent Mariah from the last few years? No, thank you. I mostly stick with old school Mariah. And it doesn't get more old school than her first single. I like the album version but the unplugged version, and that whole album really, rocked my world something fierce.