Friday, May 9, 2014

And I Know I Say It Often, But I Can't Wait Til We No Longer Have To Lie About Us

So...I have this friend. He's in something with a chick and it's kind of been rocky from the gate. He really likes her but he's not sure if it's love. Awhile back, he got entangled with a chick he was working with. They had an instant chemistry and the attraction grew the more they worked together, until they started sleeping together. And, oh yeah, she was married (still is, actually). He was single at the time, but it was the affair aspect that made him put an end to the romantic part of the relationship, although they remained friends. About four months ago, he and this person began hooking up again, even though she is still married and he's now involved with someone. Her marriage is on the rocks, has been for awhile now, and she sees it as being very simple - she pulls the plug on the marriage, he ends his relationship and they start legit dating each other. But he doesn't view it as being so black and white. He can't decide how he feels about the person he's involved with and he's waiting for...I don't know. I guess he's waiting to see where it goes, although if he hasn't felt a spark by now then one probably isn't going to suddenly ignite. He's also aware of how bad it will look to his loved ones because they know this chick and know she's married and if she's suddenly consciously uncoupled (see what I did there) from the husband and dating someone else...well, we can all do that kinda math, can't we? Plus, he believes the person he's currently involved with deserves better than for him to just call the whole thing off right now. And so that's where things stand. One chick has absolutely zero idea what's going on, the other one isn't speaking to him until he makes a decision and it would appear the husband is basically a non-factor anymore since the marriage appears to be all but over. I thought this song was mighty appropriate given all that's going on.