Wednesday, May 28, 2014

Blurred Lines

Me: So [a friend] was late picking me up from the airport and I went into a restaurant to wait. I'm sitting there at the bar getting my Yoo-Hoo on when this chick comes and sits next to me .
Friend: Unbelievable.
Friend: You're there five minutes and you're already picking up chicks.
Me: LOL. Hey! I did not pick her up. She picked me up. Get it right before you ruin my chaste reputation, sir.
Friend: LMAO. I don't believe manwhoring your way across the world is what "chaste" means, my friend.
Me: lol Shut up. Anyway, she starts talking to me and I make conversation and whatever. Then she says to me, she says, "Well, you are just adorable, and there's a hotel right around the corner. But my husband can never know about it.". Because it was way late and I have blond roots, I was like, "...Why can't your husband know there's a hotel here? It's an airport, he has to assume there's one nearby.".
Friend: LMAO! Wow...
Me: lol I know. Unfortunately, the fact that I'm dumb only made me more attractive to her because she gave me her number.
Friend: You didn't notice the subject of conversation or...?
Me: It wasn't even like that, it was all basic ish yo.
Friend: Well...maybe she thought you were a gigolo.
Me: LOL. Wouldn't be the first time.
Friend: lol I know you're not gonna call her cuz she's married so can I have the number? 
Me: lol That desperate, huh?
Friend: I think I could really keep something together if I only had to half-please a woman.