Thursday, May 22, 2014

The Itchy And Scratchy Show

Me: My left ring finger is itching up a storm all of a sudden.
Crazy Aunt: Do you have anything planned with a woman today?
Me: ...I have a call with [an ex] and some stuff with a female client...why?
Crazy Aunt: You're going to marry one of them.
Me: lol Uh, well I already tried that with the ex and it didn't take. And the female client is already married. But thanks anyway.
Crazy Aunt: I'm serious! Why else would that particular finger itch?
Me: Maybe it's a rash.
Crazy Aunt: Mijo, with your lifestyle I would not joke about that.
Me: LOL. Well...this has been a lovely conversation and thank you for it.
Crazy Aunt: Is she happily married?
Me: Who?
Crazy Aunt: The client.
Me: We're not having this conversation.
Crazy Aunt: Just tell me if she's happy! You never know, we end up with who we'd least expect sometimes.
Me: She's got five kids, she's crazy about the husband and we're just friends, okay?
Crazy Aunt: You already dated her, didn't you?
Me: lol Yep. Way back when.
Crazy Aunt: See? My pinger wasn't that far off!
Me: Your...nevermind, I don't want to know.