Thursday, May 29, 2014

I Always Feel Like Somebody's Watching Me

Y: *sigh*
Me: Hey gorgeous, how's it going?
Y: Hypothetically...if I had to take care of somebody, you'd help me hide the body, right?
Me: No. No I will not help you move a body, [Full name]
Y: lol It's cute that you still think the NSA is interested in our conversations. Even cuter when you throw your best friend under the bus in her time of need.
Me: lol Hey, you saw the same "Good Wife" episodes I did. And you always wanna kill somebody and hide their body. That's a typical day.
Y: Oh great, make me sound like a mob don to the NSA.
Me: I thought they weren't listening...
Y: lol We'll know in a few minutes if they bust through my door.
Me: *crosses he everything that they do*
Y: lol Ass.