Friday, May 23, 2014

You Can Check Out Anytime You Like, But You Can Never Leave

Me: I've decided I can't trust anyone who doesn't believe "Hotel California" is one of the best things ever.
Cousin: Is this gonna be like the time you decided you couldn't trust the new Sheriff because he didn't drink coffee?
Me: Yes.
Cousin: That was ridiculous.
Me: Was not. The man has no vices and doesn't even drink coffee. That's not normal.
Cousin: Well...yeah, I guess it's weird to have no vices at all.
Me: Right? He has none at all. That's like seven less vices than I have.
Cousin: LOL. And never you mind that that's six more vices than the average person has, Giuseppe. 
Me: lol I am as Fonz made me.

I must have listened to "Hotel California" a billion times this week. You know how you have so many songs on your iPod that you totally neglect some of them and then they come up on the shuffle and it's like you discover them all over again? That's what happened to me. "Hotel California", both the original and the acoustic version, is pure perfection from note one. I pity the fool who doesn't believe The Eagles are one of the best bands ever. What better song to send us into a long holiday weekend than one about all kindsa debauchery? Happy Memorial Day, kids!