Saturday, May 3, 2014

The Manwhore And The "Archivist"

G: It's at 7. You should bring the girlfriend.
Me: She's not my girlfriend. 
G: Oh, what is she then? Your "archivist"?
Me: LMAO. Well played.

He has a point. The youngin and I backed off for a minute while she focused on school and I traveled for work. But we found ourselves back together again now that Summer is approaching. I like her, we get along very well. If not for the age thing, we might have some serious potential for the future. Honestly, I don't even think about the age thing when we're together. It's been pretty awesome that we've maintained a good friendship even when we're not dating. She doesn't get jealous about anything, she doesn't try to force is into labeling what we are. That's nice given the "marriage or nothing" ish I was last a part of. I don't think either of us feels the need to define anything at the moment. We're happy, that's the important thing. Cross every other bridge when we come to it.