Friday, May 30, 2014

The World's Oldest Profession

Me: I'm running about 30 minutes late because I've had sinus issues today, but I'll make it before your flight.
Client: No worries, hon. Is it nose or throat?
Me: Throat. I sound like an old man under water.
Client: Oh no! I'm gonna bring soup with me, maybe that'll help. 
Me: "I'm bringing a can of Campbell's"
Client: lol No smartass, real soup already made from a restaurant. It won't take me long to go over the boards and then we can have sex.
Me: LOL.'re the client.
Client: SOME***
Me: We can have some sex? lol
Client: LOL. Damn right I'm the client. In more ways than one as it turns out.
Me: So...are we gonna have soup after the sex or...?
Client: lol I appreciate you not letting that mortifying moment die quietly.
Me: lol My pleasure. But then, I guess it'd be YOUR pleasure since you're the "client".
Client: LOL