Friday, May 2, 2014

The One You Gave Away Will Be The Only One You're Wishing For

'Member the good old days when there was no Mimi? Back when Mimi was a regular old gal named Mariah, who coulda saaang? Yeah, me neither. That seems like eons ago (probably because it was, sadly). Everything Mariah sang back then was gold, ya'll. Nowadays? No. Just no. Every now and then she puts out something that I like, something that's not as gimmicky and stupid as most of the music that's put out these days. "We Belong Together"? The backgrounds in that song are brilliant. More recent Mariah from the last few years? No, thank you. I mostly stick with old school Mariah. And it doesn't get more old school than her first single. I like the album version but the unplugged version, and that whole album really, rocked my world something fierce.