Wednesday, May 7, 2014

Marriage, Babies And Movin' On Up

Remember the good old days when we were all young and the only expectation was that we not get arrested? Oh, how I miss that. It's been a day of announcements for my clan today. After last week's events, the gay cousin has seen the light and proposed (again) to his boyfriend and they've set the date for next summer. My cousin DMC has also had some revelations about his future and set a summer wedding date with his on/off fiancée of eight years. And my cousin in D.C. announced she's expecting a baby and moving to NYC in the fall. And I'm happy for all three of them. My mom and aunts tell anyone who will listen that there haven't been nearly enough weddings from my generation of the family. So you'd think the promise of two (and possibly three) weddings in the next two years would pacify them, right? Wrong. My family doesn't take in this kinda news the way most families do. No, they prefer to mark off those who are betrothed as "about damn time" and then turn their attention to the rest of us and say, "now, what about you?". I don't know why, but the women in my family have this pathological need to get us all married off ASAP. It's almost like they think they get a prize if they can get rings on all of us. I'd find it hilarious if I wasn't set right in the middle of the "what about you" crew. My mom would arrange me a marriage if she could, so as soon as she heard all this news she texted me, "So are you dating anyone special?". That was quickly followed by a similar text from another aunt (Crazy Aunt has backed off for the moment now that she's planning a big gay wedding). *sigh* I adore these womensz and all but...I know what happens when peeps get hitched in this family. It's gonna be a rough ride for the next two summers.