Sunday, June 1, 2014

I'm On A Boat

G: I hate clients who insist on having something done that isn't going to work out and we're just gonna have to change.
Me: Meanwhile, I'm on a boat with a bunch of horny young ladies.
G: Jackass. They are not horny. And even if they are, none of them want your sorry ass lol
Me: Hey! I have been hit on often, sir!
G: For real?
Me: of them said I look like the kind of decision she'd regret in the morning.
G: LOL.'s like she knows you!
Me: lol Right? Eeerie yo.
G: Send me a picture.
Me: Of what?
G: Of your Playboy bunny-filled boat, hot shot.
Me: Oh. Don't open the email I just sent then. I thought you wanted a pic of me and my speedo. 
G: lol Ewwwwwww. I knew an unsupervised week with all those Europeans changed you!
Me: LOL. Yes, G. The Europeans got a hold of me and now I think I am one. It's their master plan to take over the world.